The Twitch CS:GO scene is enormous, growing at a rate the game has never seen before. Combined with soaring player counts for the game itself, CS:GO has never been healthier.
However, some content is better than others, and these are the best Twitch CS:GO channels that you can watch online.
ESL is the gold standard for CS:GO Twitch streams. Credit: Adela Sznajder/ © ESL
Perhaps the best out there is the ESL CS:GO Twitch channel. ESL hosts many of the biggest CS:GO tournaments, and Twitch is the place to find them. When there’s a Major in progress, they’ll often venture above six-figure viewer counts, killing the CS:GO dying argument dead in it’s tracks.
One of the most underrated parts of the ESL CS:GO Twitch channel is the reruns. When there’s not an ESL game happening, ESL plays 24/7 reruns of past tournaments, so you’ll never run out of CS:GO matches to watch.
ESL always attracts the best casting talent, so whether its Scrawny and Launders, Anders and Moses, or Harry and Hugo, you can bet your favorites will be providing the soundtrack to your competitive CS:GO experience.
The ESL CS:GO Twitch channel can be found here. is similar to ESL, in that at the moment, it’s hosting many of the Tier 1 CS:GO competitions. It has grown fast, and will even host its first Major in May, with the Paris Major 2o23. has achieved this through elite production quality, quickly rivalling the very best, seemingly from nowhere. More competition is good though, as it makes everyone step up their game. With such high quality options available to fans, it’s not hard to see why the competitive scene is growing at its current rate. also host a lot of smaller tournaments in Tier 2 and below, so it’s a great option for players looking to expand their knowledge of the CS:GO pro scene.
The Twitch channel can be found here.
Fans of competitive CS:GO may know Pimp from various avenues. A former Liquid player, Pimp retired from playing competitively at an early age. Nowadays, he’s most known for his work as a desk analyst on most Tier 1 CS:GO tournaments. But did you know he’s also a Twitch CS:GO streamer too?
Pimp is on this list because his CS:GO Twitch streams are about helping players improve. There are other ways to improve in CS:GO. You can perfect your crosshair, you can adjust your CS:GO rates. But watching Twitch streamers, especially ex-pros, is an amazing way to do so.
As the part owner of ReFrag alongside Liquid’s EliGE, Pimp’s streams show how you can use training programs to improve at CS:GO. His Twitch channel can be found here.
It’s always good to see a legend in action. Now benched for FaZe and effectively retired, olofmeister now spends his days streaming his FACEIT Level 10 games alongside another legend, f0rest. It’s interesting to watch how the old guard adjust to the newer CS:GO meta.
While olofmeister isn’t the player he was, it’s still amazing to see him playing at a high level and enjoying the game as much as ever. Players can learn a lot about game sense from olofmeister’s Twitch CS:GO streams, and he’s probably the most notable ex-pro on the platform.
His Twitch channel can be found here.