Street Fighter 6 is getting pretty close to release! With a huge prize pool behind esports events, and one of the most polished fighting game experiences we’ve ever seen, there are going to be more people jumping into this series than ever before. You’ll need every advantage jumping straight into a new game.
How can you tell which Street Fighter character is most worth putting your time into grinding? A Street Fighter 6 tier list can help there.
While the Street Fighter 6 release date is still in the future, we’ve got hands on experience with quite a few characters. On top of that pros have had time to try them out and make some decisions about where the characters stand in this early stage. While there are still changes coming, a clearer Street Fighter 6 tier list can help you start the game on the best possible foot.
Street Fighter 6 Tier list
For this Street Fighter tier list, we’ve looked at those done by pro players as listed below. However, we’re also looking at how the character fairs for a more average player! We’ll be taking how easy the character is to play if you’re not a pro-level player into account. That’s weighted with how they seem from the move sets announced so far, as some characters they haven’t been in the betas just yet. This is where all the Street Fighter 6 characters stand and which the best ones are.
S Tier
Source: Capcom
These characters (with what’s been revealed so far) look like some of the strongest in the game. Experience might be limited with them and there are still unknowns, but they seem like great picks for anyone looking for a main from the very first time they open up the game.
A Tier
Source: Capcom
From what we’ve seen of Street Fighter 6 so far, these characters are another batch that might have big potential in the game. They’ve got movesets which can likely be pushed pretty far, although we’ll have to wait and see if things change before release.
E. Honda
B Tier
Source: Capcom
These are still strong characters. Some of these even seem quite accessible to newer players. Since it’s a pre-release tier list, the B Tier isn’t exactly a bad place to be! Usually, the characters here at release raise up as players discovered their hidden potential.
Dee Jay
C Tier
Source: Capcom
These are the characters who don’t look so hot just at first glance. They’re likely to change and grow before release though. More time for players to lab with them could also see them raising basically all the way up to the top!
In most fighting games those low in the tier lists can still hit the highest levels, as proven by a bottom Smash tier list character recently reaching a major final. These are the lower-down characters in the Street Fighter 6 tier list.
Pro Street Fighter 6 Tier List
Since it’s still early days for the game there’s a lot that could change. Based on first impressions though, there are some clear stand-out characters. We’ve gone through the top Street Fighter players and looked for their takes on who the best characters are.
iDom Street Fighter 6 Tier List
iDom has released a street Fighter 6 tier list, fresh off a strong performance at the Capcom Cup. It is largely based on who he specifically is interested in though! This is less of an overall meta tier list and more about his specific style of play, so keep that in mind.
JustaKid Street Fighter 6 TIer List
Justakid’s Street Fighter tier list is a good example of what high-level streamers think of the early meta in the game.
KizzleKay Tier List
Kizzle Kay is a fighting game player who performs well across titles, popping up at events like Frosty Faultings and DreamHack Fighters. This is his early Street Fighter 6 tier list.
These aren’t permanent ranks, and it’s just one estimate based on what’s been ranked by competitive players! As we get to release, we’ll get a firmer idea of which characters stand, and that’s before Capcom starts to patch and change things! We can expect some pretty big alterations once the actual game releases.