Created by LoL fan Pimeko, LoLdle allows players to enjoy a mini-game with a new quote every day, as well as other LoL-related challenges.
Image Credits | LoLdle
LoLdle Quote of the day – March 14th, 2023
LoLdle gives you a great variety of challenges: champion, quote, ability, emoji, and splash. For every challenge, you will have to guess a different League champion based on the information given.
After you start guessing, you will have a series of boxes showing the mystery champion’s gender, position, species, resource, range, region, and release year. Depending on your answers, the boxes will change their colors to green, yellow, or red based on whether they are correct or not (or close). These clues will help you get closer to the answer.
For the quote challenge, LoLdle displays one random quote from a champion. After a few wrong guesses, you get an additional audio clue, which is the voice track from the quote as said by the champion in-game.
The ability challenge displays the icon of one random ability, which may be any spell (or passive), from one random champion. If you get a few guesses wrong, it also displays the ability’s name as an additional hint.
The splash challenge displays a portion of one random splash art in the game, which can be from a champion or a skin, zooming out with each incorrect guess.
Recently, LoLdle also added the emoji challenge: you have to guess the champion based on some emojis that are related to the champion’s theme or distinctive characteristic.
Read also: LoL free champion rotation of the week
LoLdle answer today – Monday 14th March 2023
There might be some days when you find yourself struggling to guess the right champions and lose your streak. If you’re afraid of breaking it, you can find the answers for the day below.
Be aware! If you don’t want to get the spoilers, make sure to not scroll past this point. Proceed with caution.
These are the LoLdle answers for the day: we hope it helped you keep your streak up. The main LoLdle quote of the day is: “I’ll stay in the forest…until I learn how to use doors.” and it comes from Lillia.
Today’s LoLdle answers for Monday, Mar. 14th, 2023 are:
Classic: Urgot
Quote: Lillia
Ability: Syndra
Emoji: Aurelion Sol
Splash Art: Rakan
Read also: Best ADC to play with Milio
LoLdle quote – Answers and Solutions archive
If you want to check out some of the previous LoLdle answers to compare them with today’s LoLdle answers, you can find them all below in our LoLdle quote and solutions archive.
March 13th LoLdle = Fizz, Hecarim, Gnar, Ashe, Nocturne
March 12th LoLdle = Malphite, Tahm Kench, Vi, Sylas, Vayne
March 11th LoLdle = Ziggs, Anivia, Bel’Veth, Heimerdinger, Sejuani
March 10th LoLdle = Camille, Nocturne, Kha’Zix, Kled, Kennen
March 9th LoLdle = Sett, Shaco, Trundle, Warwick, Katarina
March 8th LoLdle = Rumble, Braum, Sett, Renekton, Wukong
March 7th LoLdle = Aphelios, Volibear, Ryze, Senna, Shaco
March 6th LoLdle = Jinx, Elise, Akshan, LeBlanc, Nunu & Willump
March 5th LoLdle = Yone, Ivern, Zac, Gwen, Tristana
March 4th LoLdle = Gangplank, Karma, Rengar, Morgana, Taliyah
March 3rd LoLdle = Anivia, Malzahar, Elise, Teemo, Neeko
March 2nd LoLdle = Lissandra, Alistar, Viego, Karma, LeBlanc
March 1st LoLdle = Braum, Gragas, Vex, Samira, Corki
February 28th LoLdle = Brand, Vel’Koz, Seraphine, Blitzcrank, Elise
February 27th LoLdle = Ahri, Evelynn, Jinx, Neeko, Mordekaiser
February 26th LoLdle = Tahm Kench, Lux, Fiora, Garen, Vex
February 25th LoLdle = Shen, Olaf, Xayah, Annie, Evelynn
February 24th LoLdle = Lux, Nami, Ornn, Zac, Pyke
February 23rd LoLdle = Heimerdinger, Nautilus, Pantheon, Zac, Talon
February 22nd LoLdle = Gnar, Samira, Sivir, Master Yi, Viego
February 21st LoLdle = Lee Sin, Lissanda, Jax, Ryze, Veigar
February 20th LoLdle = Shaco, Irelia, Vayne, Cassiopeia, Sylas
February 19th LoLdle = Sion, Jhin, Urgot, Malphite, Dr Mundo
February 18th LoLdle = Draven, Skarner, Kled, Katarina, Akshan
February 17th LoLdle = Tryndamere, Swain, Kled, Draven, Pantheon
February 16th LoLdle = Nilah, Azir, Leona, Viktor, Darius
February 15th LoLdle = Taric, Amumu, Rek’Sai, Quinn, Graves
February 14th LoLdle = Kai’Sa, Pantheon, Nunu & Willump, Sona, Lillia
February 13th LoLdle = Vladimir, Sylas, Kai’Sa, Swain
February 12th LoLdle = Maokai, Ahri, Thresh, Lux, Tahm Kench
February 11th LoLdle = Zed, Yasuo, Gangplank, Illaoi
February 10th LoLdle = Sona, Qiyana, Nami, Yuumi, Tryndamere
February 9th LoLdle = Zoe, Shyvana, Veigar, Shen, Orianna
February 8th LoLdle = Soraka, Vex, Kog’Maw, Fizz, Kindred
February 7th LoLdle = Tristana, Xin Zhao, Viktor, Renata Glasc, Azir
February 6th LoLdle = Xayah, Akali, Shen, Nautilus, Bel’Veth
February 5th LoLdle = Twisted Fate, Corki, Sylas, Azir, Hecarim
February 4th LoLdle = Volibear, K’Sante, Brand, Zoe, Rek’Sai
February 3rd LoLdle = Jarvan IV, Fizz, Varus, Urgot, Ivern
February 2nd LoLdle = Gragas, Ziggs, Kennen, Lulu, Ivern
February 1st LoLdle = Renata Glasc, Morgana, Lux, Nidalee, Teemo
January 31st LoLdle = Kalista, Nilah, Galio, Shaco, Xin Zhao
January 30th LoLdle = Alistar, Mordekaiser, Warwick, Yone, K’Sante
January 29th LoLdle = Akali, Jarvan IV, Soraka, Brand, Lulu
January 28th LoLdle = Mordekaiser, Diana, Olaf, Bard, Twitch
January 27th LoLdle = Vi, Sejuani, Lee Sin, Malzahar, Heimerdinger
January 26th LoLdle = Wukong, Blitzcrank, Samira, Sivir, Qiyana
January 25th LoLdle = Ezreal, Cho’Gath, Neeko, Jayce, Kassadin
January 24th LoLdle = Kled, Kayn, Alistar, Volibear, Seraphine
January 23rd LoLdle = Varus, Gwen, Orianna, Akshan, Camille
January 22nd LoLdle = Katarina, Jax, Leblanc, Taliyah, Olaf
January 21st LoLdle = Kayle, Orianna, Twisted Fate, Vex, Miss Fortune
January 20th LoLdle = Rengar, Kayle, Rammus, Gangplank, Anivia
January 19th LoLdle = Lillia, Seraphine, Maokai, Vayne, Sivir
January 18th LoLdle = Swain, Fiddlesticks, Jayce, Cho’Gath, Riven
January 17th LoLdle = Zyra, Soraka, Ekko, Kassadin, Ornn
January 16th LoLdle = Riven, Rell, Nilah, Sion, Caitlyn
January 15th LoLdle = Graves, Master Yi, Nocturne, Vladimir, Amumu
January 14th LoLdle = Zeri, Yuumi, Shyvana, Vel’Koz, Jax
January 13th LoLdle = Trundle, Taric, Volibear, Soraka, Brand
January 12th LoLdle = Galio, Renata Glasc, Janna, Rammus, Zed
January 11th LoLdle = Yorick, Malphite, Lillia, Corki, Warwick
January 10th LoLdle = K’Sante, Lux, Taliyah, Caitlyn, Galio
January 9th LoLdle = Senna, Wukong, Xerath, Galio
January 8th LoLdle = Orianna, Lee Sin, Udyr, Nilah
January 7th LoLdle = Nautilus, Cassiopeia, Ashe, Nilah
January 6th LoLdle = Seraphine, Sett, Rumble, Zyra
January 5th LoLdle = Illaoi, Graves, Singed, Rammus
January 4th LoLdle = Nami, Xerath, Teemo, Kled
January 3rd LoLdle = Yasuo, Renekton, Rell, Zoe
January 2nd LoLdle = Diana, Rakan, Morgana, Fizz
January 1st LoLdle = Garen, Nidalee, Twitch, Karthus
December 2022
December 31st LoLdle = Cho’Gath, Maokai, Draven, Kha’Zix
December 30th LoLdle = Skarner, Poppy, Xin Zhao, Urgot
December 29th LoLdle = Kayn, Akshan, Ezreal, Kalista
December 28th LoLdle = Twitch, Heimerdinger, Karma, Quinn
December 27th LoLdle = Rakan, Caitlyn, Kassadin, Samira
December 26th LoLdle = Xerath, Kalista, Evelynn, Ryze
December 25th LoLdle = Gwen, Heimerdinger, Katarina, Ezreal
December 24th LoLdle = Jax, Ashe, Master Yi, Kaisa
December 23rd LoLdle = Zilean, Annie, Udyr, Shyvana
December 22nd LoLdle = Fiora, Udyr, Vel’Koz, Syndra
December 21st LoLdle = Warwick, Kennen, Miss Fortune, Senna
December 20th LoLdle = Poppy, Sion, Irelia, Cho’Gath
December 19th LoLdle = Xin Zhao, Galio, Ahri, Jhin
December 18th LoLdle = Syndra, Kassadin, Azir, Varus
December 17th LoLdle = Vel’Koz, Zilean, Sion, Varus
December 16th LoLdle = Lulu, Gnar, Graves, Karma
December 15th LoLdle = Udyr, Veigar, Ziggs, Aatrox
December 14th LoLdle = Qiyana, Janna, Cassiopeia, Sona
December 13th LoLdle = Sivir, Senna, Aurelion Sol, Twisted Fate
December 12th LoLdle = Nunu & Willump, Jinx, Sejuani, Ziggs
December 11th LoLdle = Vex, Tryndamere, Riven, Fiddlesticks
December 10th LoLdle = Jhin, Zac, Yasuo, Bard
December 9th LoLdle = Miss Fortune, Draven, Blitzcrank, Shen
December 8th LoLdle = Zac, Zed, Braum, Ahri
December 7th LoLdle = Lucian, Fiora, Tahm Kench, Rell
December 6th LoLdle = Ivern, Ryze, Skarner, Yasuo
December 5th LoLdle = Hecarim, Trundle, Nasus, Kha’Zix
December 4th LoLdle = Aurelion Sol, Lucian, Rakan, Rumble
December 3rd LoLdle = Akshan, Trundle, Malzahar, Nasus
December 2nd LoLdle = Dariusm Lulu, Corki, Vel’Koz
December 1st LoLdle = Yuumi, Syndra, Fiddlesticks, Xayah
November 30th LoLdle = Viktor, Anivia, Annie, Jarvan IV
November 29th LoLdle = Kha’Zix, Zeri, Bel’Veth, Viktor
November 28th LoLdle = Karma, Shen, Katarina, Morgana
November 27th LoLdle = Thresh, Malphite, Karthus, Quinn
November 26th LoLdle = Jayce, Bel’Veth, Diana, Braum
November 25th LoLdle = Nasus, Rengar, Zyra, Renekton
November 24th LoLdle = Singed, Twitch, Kindred, Ekko
November 23rd LoLdle = Nocture, Karma, Lissandra, Leona
November 22nd LoLdle = Amumu, Vayne, Nidalee, Nocturne
November 21st LoLdle = Dr. Mundo, Urgot, Talon, Rengar
November 20th LoLdle = Sett, Nasus, Quinn, Poppy
November 19th LoLdle = Olaf, Vladimir, Zed, Taliyah
November 18th LoLdle = LeBlanc, Riven, Zilean, Lucian
November 17th LoLdle = Ashe, Garen, Swain, Nunu & Willump
November 16th LoLdle = Brand, Gragas, Dr. Mundo, Irelia
November 15th LoLdle = Talon, Teemo, Amumu, Shaco
November 14th LoLdle = Camille, Ivern, Rengar, Garen
November 13th LoLdle = Vi, Viego, Garen, Kayle
November 12th LoLdle = Viego, Singed, Poppy, Cassiopeia
November 11th LoLdle = Malphite, Leona, Viego, Sion
November 10th LoLdle = Annie, Viktor, Vi, Sylas
November 9th LoLdle = Gangplank, Shaco, Zoe, Vex
November 8th LoLdle = Sejuani, Lissandra, Shaco, Talon
November 7th LoLdle = Taliyah, Hecarim, Ivern, Lissandra
November 6th LoLdle = Shyvana, Zoe, Aatrox, Kayn
November 5th LoLdle = Bel’Veth, Gangplank, Lulu, LeBlanc
November 4th LoLdle = Sylas, Pantheon, Ryze, Zilean
November 3rd LoLdle = Taric, Elise, Sivir, Zilean
November 2nd LoLdle = Ziggs, Camille, Fizz, Ashe.
November 1st LoLdle = Renekton, Samira, Kayn, Lillia
October 31st LoLdle = Sona, Yorick, Nautilus, Blitzcrank
October 30th LoLdle = Nidalee, Pyke, Kai’Sa, Darius
October 29th LoLdle = Fiddlesticks, Volibear, Darius, Darius
October 28th LoLdle = Aatrox, Ekko, Anivia, Viego
October 27th LoLdle = Blitzcrank, Malzahar, Qiyana, Volibear
October 26th LoLdle = Morgana, Kindred, Seraphine, Rakan
October 25th LoLdle = Irelia, Yasuo, Renekton, Zac
October 24th LoLdle = Lee Sin, Yone, Illaoi, Maokai
October 23rd LoLdle = Shaco, Aatrox, Zac, Nautilus
October 22nd LoLdle = Pantheon, Varus, Malphite, Nidalee
October 21st LoLdle = Malzahar, Jayce, Jinx, Wukong
October 20th LoLdle = Malzahar, Corki, Akali, Darius
October 19th LoLdle = Tahm Kench, Sona, Kalista, Jinx
October 18th LoLdle = Tahm Kench, Sylas, Wukong, Yorick
October 17th LoLdle = Leona, Jarvan IV, Nunu, Hecarim
October 16th LoLdle = Cassiopeia, Braum, Jax, Draven
October 15th LoLdle = Alistar, Blitzcrank, Rek’Sai, Gangplank
October 14th LoLdle = Jinx, Dr. Mundo, Akshan, Kog’Maw
October 13th LoLdle = Elise, Ahri, Gnar, Pyke
October 12th LoLdle = Mordekaiser, Thresh, Brand, Evelynn
October 11th LoLdle = Nilah, Thresh, Vayne, Xerath
October 10th LoLdle = Tryndamere, Ziggs, Gangplank, Sejuani
October 9th LoLdle = Ryze, Vel’koz, Olaf, Azir
October 8th LoLdle = Kennen, Lux, Sona, Pantheon
October 7th LoLdle = Braum, Morgana, Gwen, Qiyana
October 6th LoLdle = Shen, Brand, Nilah, Malzahar
October 5th LoLdle = Tristana, Olaf, Jarvan IV, Rek’Sai
October 4th LoLdle = Varus, Fizz, Thresh, Sivir
October 3rd LoLdle = Evelynn, Cho’Gath, Lux, Diana
October 2nd LoLdle = Urgot, Sejuani, Alistar, Riven
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