Here is everything you need to know ahead of April Fools Day for LoL! Get ready for new skins and a potential new game mode.
Image Credits | Riot Games
LoL April Fools Day 2023 – What is Riot bringing for the occasion?
LoL is one of the most popular games in the entire world. With thousands of skins and hundred of champions, the game offers a large amount of customization.
On top of that, LoL has various game modes, allowing you to enjoy the League world in many different ways. For the devs, April Fools is usually a rather special day, which gives them the chance to go wild, adding special features to the game. From the looks of it, this year is no exception…
Riot bringing special skins for April Fools
While the skins were leaked a while ago, they were recently confirmed. The main theme will be cats vs dogs, with Kindred, Nidalee, Kled, and Yuumi getting the skins.
They are likely going to be released on April 1st, or with the release of the latest Patch 13.7. We’ll have to wait and see when Riot decides to drop the skins.
A special April Fools Game Mode might be coming to League
Twitter user and YouTuber SkinSpotlights seems to have found a new game mode Tomato when looking at some of the PBE files. According to him, the minions will be wearing hats and he says that it is possible to throw snowballs as well.
The theory seems to be true, as Riot made a tweet hinting at a possible game mode. Based on the video, it looks like it will feature many Poros and the scuttle crab might have a major role in the game mode. With April Fools coming up, LoL players won’t have to wait long before finding out…
April Fools will be a limited-time event, which means players will only have a few days to try out the new game mode or unlock the skins. Just like most special events, Riot is also likely going to push out new and weird challenges to earn rewards. For that reason, make sure to jump on Summoner’s Rift on Apr. 1st, and enjoy the special features on the day!