Fnatic earn redemption, secure spot in LEC Spring group stage in milestone game for Rekkles

On the penultimate day of the LEC Spring Split’s initial stage, Fnatic earned total redemption from their gruesome Winter Split performance, clinching a spot in the Spring Split group stage with their fourth win of the split. Their win today over G2 Esports mathematically put them out of reach from Excel and Team Heretics, who sit on the brink of elimination heading into the final day of the first stage. 

Although G2 dominated the early game in today’s contest, taking towers and dragons left and right throughout the first 20 minutes, Fnatic kept things bloody, quadrupling G2’s total kills at the 20-minute mark and eventually ended the game with a 23-15 advantage in total kills. Most of them went towards top laner Oscarinin, who easily had the best performance of his young LEC career today, posting a scoreline of 8/3/4 with Jax. 

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