Complexity CSGO manager reveals crazy travel schedule for team

Complexity’s CS:GO manager, Graham ‘messioso’ Pitt, revealed on Twitter the crazy travel schedule that the team has had in 2023.

Over the past few days, the esports community has debated whether esports players should focus more on content creation and brand building.

Successful CS:GO teams have had burnout issues in the past with the stacked schedule of events across their competitive calendar. Asking those players to stream or create content for their own brand, or the organization they represent seems improbable given their lack of free time, according to some.

The travel schedule of one CS:GO team may not translate across esports or different teams in the FPS title, but it illustrates one point against the idea that players should focus on content: When would they have the time?

Complexity CS:GO have traveled across the world in 2023

Esports teams in CS:GO have always had a grueling travel schedule as they have to bounce around North America, Europe and other countries to play in LAN tournaments or qualifiers or for better practice abroad.

Complexity’s CS:GO manager detailed on Twitter the amount of traveling his team has done in the first three months of 2023, and the numbers are shocking.

We’ve racked up 310 nights in hotels in 5 cities in 5 countries.

Average length of a stay in a single hotel is a little over 8 days.

We’re only 72 days into 2023.

— Graham Pitt (@messioso) March 13, 2023

The team has flown 99 times so far this year and spent almost 400 hours in the air, according to messioso.

The team has also racked up impressive numbers in hotels, spending 310 nights (counting every member of the squad together) in hotels across five cities in five countries.

The team has played in three offline events so far this season, ESL Pro League Season 17, IEM Katowice 2023 and BLAST Premier: Spring Groups 2023, and participated in online qualifiers for the Rio and Paris Majors.

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