5 changes we want to see in Dota 2 Patch 7.33

With the Lima Major in full swing, we have seen the pinnacle of what can be done in Dota 2’s Patch 7.32 by the best teams in the world. Feb. 24 marked the six-month anniversary of Patch 7.32 and it is safe to say that the meta is somewhat getting stale. Every team knows each other inside out and pubs echo out with the cries of the dying as cheese meta picks wipe everyone out.

In short, we believe changes are long overdue. With the news that Icefrog has finally taken the creative and developmental reins again after over two years of inactivity, it seems like things may be looking up in this upcoming patch. Now that we have an accurate release date for Patch 7.33, this is a good time to look into the changes we wish for.

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