Here is the full guide on how to play Jarvan IV in League of Legends season 13 like KOI’s jungle player Malrang.
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Jarvan IV jungle Guide – Everything you need to know
Jarvan recently received a major buff in the latest patch 13.3, turning him into a great solo queue pick to carry games. Not only does he deal a good amount of damage, but the W buff made him a lot more durable at all stages of the game. Now that we are currently in a spam-gank meta, he’s been finding great success in the jungle.
If you are not sure how to build the buffed version of Jarvan IV, we’ve compiled the best current builds and runes setups from one of the best junglers in the LEC: Malrang.
Jarvan jungle Build
Jarvan IV’s build is quite similar to the past, but after the recent fighter item changes, some of its core items have been swapped out for new options.
While Jarvan players still use Goredrinker as its most common build, the most important item in Jarvan IV’s new build is Black Cleaver. The item gives tons of powerful stats and great value for its relatively low cost. The armor penetration also works great with the champion’s kit, giving him more damage compared to the past.
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Following these two items, the rest of Jarvan IV’s item build can be made in many different ways, depending on the in-game situation. You always want to prioritize the type of resistance needed to tank more enemies’ damage, but also think about whether wanting more damage or tankier stats.
Malrang usually goes for a more utility-based build in his games, with items like Frozen Heart, Randuin’s Omen for additional armor. In case he needs magic resistance, he always goes for Force of Nature. Against fed carries, he occasionally picks up Anatema’s Chains for the 30% damage reduction. Overall, he rarely goes full damage builds, even though they are the most common in solo queue.
Overall, this is the usual build seen in most of his Jarvan games:
Ionian Boots of Lucidity
Black Cleaver
Frozen Heart
Force of Nature
Guardian Angel/Anatema’s Chains
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Jarvan’s Runes
Jarvan IV’s runes haven’t undergone major changes over the last year. Malrang used to build the champion with First Strike, but now that the items have been changed, this rune setup is no longer effective.
Instead, he goes for Conqueror as the main keystone rune, giving him greater skirmishing power at all times in the game, but it’s particularly strong early on.
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By going Conqueror, you usually want to pick the following minor runes:
Triumph for the extra gold and healing upon takedowns;
Legend: Tenacity to reduce crowd controls durations;
Last Stand for maximum damage output at low health.
For the secondary tree, choose Inspiration and go for Magical Footwear and Cosmic Insight for lower smite recharge timers and getting a pair of free boots, essentially saving 300 gold.
If you want to play Jarvan IV like Malrang, sticking to this guide will allow you to get the most out of the Demacian jungler.
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