Here is the full guide on how to play Ahri in League of Legends season 13 like one of the greatest Ahri players in the world: LegitKorea.
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Ahri LoL Mid Guide – Everything you need to know
Ahri received a major ASU rework at the start of the year, giving her refreshing splash arts and visuals. Even though they were pushed back due to the recent social engineering attack, Ahri’s ASU is finally on the live servers. Always considered a quintessential of the mid lane, she’s the perfect balance between a mage and an assassin.
If you are wondering about the optimal way to build Ahri, we’ve compiled the best builds and runes setups from one of the best Ahri players in the world: LegitKorea. He’s a former Rank 1 on the NA solo queue ladder, climbing with his main champion.
Ahri LoL Mid Build
Ahri’s mid lane build has two Mythic items as main options, each having its own distinctive feature. The first one, and the most common one, features Luden’s Echo, while the other one includes Everfrost.
Luden’s Echo is the more aggressive and carry-oriented build since it grants extra magic penetration on the Mythic item passive. Paired with other magic penetration items like Sorcerer’s Shoes and Shadowflame, Ahri can get a great mid-game spike, one-shotting most of the squishy targets with a combo.
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On the other hand, Everfrost is more utility-based, as Ahri becomes a setup for other teammates. By using the item’s active, she can root the targets so it’s easier for her allies to follow up on the kill. As a tradeoff, however, she loses out on potential damage output.
Aside from Shadowflame, Ahri’s items are fairly straightforward. Zhonya’s Hourglass and Rabadon’s Deathcap are essential items for both her survivability and burst potential. Void Staff or Banshee’s Veil is usually the last item to round off the build, depending on whether you need for resistances or not.
Overall, this is the usual build seen in most of LegitKorea’s Ahri games:
Luden’s Echo
Sorcerer’s Shoes
Rabadon’s Deathcap
Zhonya’s Hourglass
Void Staff/Banshee’s Veil
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Ahri’s runes
Ahri doesn’t have many options when it comes to her rune setups. The only viable one currently is Electrocute: it gives her extra damage on all of her trades, from the ones in the early game to the late-game teamfights.
By going Electrocute, you usually want to pick the following minor runes:
Taste of Blood for early game sustain and healing;
Eyeball Collection for additional ability power to snowball;
Ultimate Hunter for a greatly reduced ultimate cooldown.
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For the secondary tree, choose Inspiration and go for Biscuit Delivery and Cosmic Insight.
If you want to play Ahri mid like LegitKorea, sticking to this LoL guide will allow you to get the most out of the Nine-tail fox.
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