Eye put a spell on you.
Throughout Hogwarts and the surrounding area, you might have spotted a few larger chests with unsettling, swiveling eyes. Approach these chests and they’ll hunker down and growl at you, and it seems like no spell or charm you cast on them has any effect.
Unlike the moth frames and field guide page objects that you need to cast a spell onto or near, these chests are opened by taking an altogether different approach—that is, you need to cast a spell on yourself for it to work. In this guide, I’ll talk you through how to open the eye chests and what you’ll get as your reward.
How to open the eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy
(Image credit: WB Games)
First off, you’ll need to have progressed as far as the Secrets of the Restricted Section questline to get the Disillusionment spell from Sebastian. Disillusionment is basically an invisibility spell in lieu of an invisibility cloak. It lets you sneak undetected, perform Pertrificus Totalis on unsuspecting foes and, interestingly, keep you from being detected by chests with giant eyes.
I’ve tried this a few times and if you’re too close before you cast Disillusionment, you won’t be able to open the chest. The best approach is to be out of sight, with the chest’s eye closed, cast the spell and then approach it to open.
Even more unsettling, it sort of dies of shock after it’s opened, but you do get 500 coins for your troubles so, yay? These chests are often marked on your mini-map, so keep an eye out for them and listen for a banging and angry growl sound if you can’t spot them right away. Though with those giant eyes, they’re a little hard to miss.