Despite the Metaverse being a new concept within the world of technology and entertainment, industries have already started to adapt their practices via the means that have been presented.
The Metaverse is often quickly linked to Facebook, as they have been the main blue chip names pushing for the advancements. They’ve even turned their whole marketing efforts towards the Metaverse. Overall causing quite the ruckus online by doing so.
It must be noted though that whilst they are one of the main bodies in this industry, there is more to it than Mark Zuckerberg awkwardly following a camera around a virtual world.
Many will then delve deeper into the Metaverse. Crypto games and a world of fairly underdeveloped ecosystems where people are already engaging with for leisurely fun, and businesses are already marking their territory.
@ Wateraid
Moving away from leisure and profit, and let’s turn our attention to charities and philanthropists alike. Charities have been going for decades now but not many will have thought they have moved their efforts into the Metaverse.
Read on to find out more about the relationship charities have with the metaverse, specific examples so far, and what the future holds for these organizations within the virtual world.
What’s currently happening?
You’d be surprised at what is happening already surrounding charities and the metaverse. Huge organisations are already taking advantage of the Metaverse.
One of the main ideas surrounding the metaverse is the interconnectedness it brings. People are able to interact in real time with people all over the world at events like these.
Great Ormond Street
It seems as though Virtual Reality is the way to go for charities.
The very first ultramarathon was held in the Metaverse. Around $100, 000 was raised for the famous Great Ormond Street children’s charity in London, United Kingdom.
Robin Schmidt, CEO of Metaverse content production company BasedAF was the man behind the idea and what a great outcome it has proven to be. What made this event so captivating was the fact that every dollar donated up until the $50k was matched by BasedAF and their team!
Non-profit organisations have started to see the possibilities of Web3 related technologies also. Even before the official emergence of the Metaverse, world renowned names pushed their fundraising efforts with new cutting edge technologies.
One of the first examples to take note of is WaterAid. A charity based on providing clean water, on a worldwide basis they have been operating for decades now raising millions for families on all corners of the globe.
They launched Aftershock, their Virtual Reality documentary all the way back in 2016. Set in Nepal it was an immersive experience that shows the effects of earthquakes in the region on those who are native. Truly an eye opening experience that anyone can enjoy on their laptop and Apple VR Headset.
@ Betterverse
Charities are turning to NFTs
Betterverse is one of the Web3 charity initiatives bringing NFT marketplace into the equations. Those JPGEGs most people are sick of hearing about are back.
These NFT collectibles allows you to track yours and other people’s donations as charity partners on causes and new charity related projects.
As always holding NFTs will grant holders access to other incentives. In Betterverse’s case you can access their platform in the future.
The future looks bright
It is a new concept but an exciting one at that. Year after year experiences have improved time and time again which provides longevity for this sector of Web3.
There is also some science that works in favour of charities and Virtual Reality.
When in the virtual world there is a sensory experience that is generally less impactful when compared to experiencing other environments.
People as a result of this react more emotionally and the campaigns created in VR are overall more successful than they may have otherwise been.
As virtual reality experiences become more realistic over time, we should hopefully see a more mainstream adoption to charity events and campaign organising.
Has the Metaverse all of a sudden gotten more serious? After all, general public opinion on the whole subject is fairly negative. Could this be a catalyst for this space, after all billions of dollars and even trillions are raised by people in different parts of the Earth.