Visit Neomuna and get your hands on Strand.
The Destiny 2 Lightfall release is almost here, taking us on a trip to Neptune’s capital city of Neomuna to fight the Witness, and his newest disciple, Calus. We’ll also be able to try out the new Strand subclass for the first time, manipulating cosmic threads to create grappling hooks, summon threadling minions, and tie up the Cabal like ragdolls.
There are a lot of changes set to arrive with Lightfall, and during year six of Destiny 2, including in-game loadouts, and Guardian Ranks, which will give players more of a path through the game in terms of learning how to play. Throw in the complete mod overhaul that introduces the armour charge system, and there’s going to be a lot for even experienced players to try. Here’s when you can play Destiny 2 Lightfall for yourself, its storage requirements, and when server downtime begins.
Destiny 2 Lightfall release times
The Destiny 2 Lightfall expansion releases on February 28, which for those who already play the game, is the usual weekly reset. Here’s when you can play Lightfall for yourself:
US East Coast: 12 pmUS West Coast: 9 am PSTUK: 5 pm GMTEurope: 6 pm CESTAustralia: 4 am AEDT (Feb 29)New Zealand: 6 am NZDT (Feb 29)
You can also preload Lightfall a day before the actual release on February 27 (or 28th) at the same time as above. The updated storage requirements for Destiny 2 including Lightfall are 233GB needed for pre-load, while it’ll actually take up 102GB once installed. Since servers often get a bit crowded when a new season or expansion releases, you might have to wait a while before you can get into the game.
What time does Destiny 2 go down for Lightfall?
You’ll be unable to log into Destiny 2 around 24 hours before Lightfall releases, i.e the usual daily reset time listed above on February 27. When this server maintenance commences ongoing activities will end and players will be sent back to the title screen, but you will be able to preload Lightfall from then onwards. If you still have a little time before servers go down, make sure you’ve claimed:
Seasonal seals and rewardsSeason pass itemsSeason vendor rewardsShaxx, Zavala, Drifter, and Saint-14 rewardsBanshee-44 reputation items
All of this is advised by the most recent TWAB.