You're rewarded with a Quidditch set for your trouble.
(Image credit: Warner Bros )
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Hogwarts Legacy landing platforms are a type of collectible that can be found across the vast magical world. As the name suggests, these places are ideal landing spots for when you’re out and about on your broom and finding—and igniting—each of them will earn you a Quiddich-related reward.
There are 20 landing platforms in total that you’ll need to find. If you’ve been making a point of unlocking floo flames while you’ve been exploring, this particular challenge shouldn’t take you too long. Without further ado, here are the Hogwarts Legacy landing platform locations, how to “collect” them, and what you get for finding all 20.
Hogwarts Legacy landing platform locations
Landing platforms can sometimes be hard to spot and they’re not always on the ground—the first one I found was on a raised platform. Land on it while mounted on a broom or other flying mount and wait for the edge to rotate and the flames to light to activate it.
The maps below show the locations for all 20 landing platforms and I’ve listed the closest floo flame for each one further down.
(Image credit: Portkey Games /
Here are the closest floo flames for each landing platform location on the first map:
1. Pitt Upon Ford
2. East North Ford Bog
3. Korrow Ruins
4. East North Hogwarts Region
5. East Hogsmeade Valley
(Image credit: Portkey Games /
Here are the closest floo flames for each landing platform location on the second map:
6. Aranshire
7. West Hogwarts Valley
8. North Feldcroft
9. Keenbridge
(Image credit: Portkey Games /
Here are the closest floo flames for the third map’s landing platform locations:
10. South Feldcroft
11. Feldcroft
12. The Mine’s Eye
13. Irondale
(Image credit: Portkey Games /
Here are the closest floo flames for each landing platform location on the fourth map:
14. Marunweem Bridge
15. Coastal Mine
16. Marunweem Ruins
17. West Manor Cape
(Image credit: Portkey Games /
Here are the closest floo flames for each of the final landing platform locations:
18. West Manor Cape
19. Cragcroft
20. Clagmar Castle
Hogwarts Legacy landing platform rewards
Finding all 20 landing platforms gives you the complete Quidditch Captain set, though you’ll get pieces of it for set collection milestones.
Two platforms: uniformSix platforms: helmet12 platforms: glovesAll 20 platforms: cape