CS:GO Inferno Callouts – Ultimate Guide

Inferno is a map that every CS:GO player should have in their arsenal. The map has continued to be updated, and as a result, the CS:GO Inferno callouts have changed over time. However, it’s definitely nothing the average player can’t get to grips with.

To help you get familiar with the map, we’ve put together a list of callouts for Inferno, which in turn will help you get better at CS:GO.

Inferno Callouts

Inferno is important due to its overwhelming popularity in the game. It’s a favorite among CS:GO Major winners, and has been a mainstay in the Active Duty map pool ever since its 2017 rework. If you want to play well on the map, these are the CS:GO Inferno callouts that you should get familiar with.

While this many callouts can seem daunting, Inferno is actually one of the easier maps to learn. If you’re wanting to master CS:GO’s Inferno callouts, you must be consistent with playing the map. While our map is a helpful starting point, it can’t teach you everything at once. We’d recommend not playing other maps when learning a new one, as it can make a big difference to the speed that you learn.

Essential Inferno Callouts

Using CS:GO callouts is an essential part of every CS:GO pro routine. Without callouts, even the best players would find themselves lost as they don’t have the information they need to succeed. For Inferno, there are lots of small spots that players can tuck themselves away in. Being able to call these swiftly is going to be key to your success on the server.

A Site:

For CTs, there’s a lot to defend on A Site. Your most commonly used callouts here will be Balcony, Truck Side, and Arch Side, with Apartments also important if you’re pushing up on the defense. You can get a lot of information from pushing Apartments, but it can often cost you your life. As your teammates rotate, they just need to know exactly what route they’re taking onto the A Site.

Ts attacking the A Site have a lot to be wary of. First, you should clear Apartments, and call out to your teammates if there’s anyone there. From here is where it gets tricky. The site itself has plenty of areas a CT can hide, with Pit, Graveyard, and Back Site the most common. If you can clear these fast and call them out, you’re well on your way to a successful round.

B Site:

As a CT, B Site calls are relatively simple. With only Banana available to Ts, you just have to determine two things – are they coming Banana, and if yes, how many? If you can call this information early in the round, your A Site teammates can prepare accordingly.

On the T side, B Site requires a ton of utility to push through. Once Banana has been pushed,  you then need to know just about every callout if you’re going to successfully clear the site. Sandbags, Dark, New Box, 1st, 2nd, Construction. All need to be cleared before you’re able to plant, or the round could go sideways fast. While it’s a lot to learn, it’s crucial to your T side on Inferno, so it’s worth learning fast.

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