Want to know the best supports to partner up with Xayah? Here are our best five champions to destroy the enemy bot lane.
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Best supports to pair up with Xayah in League
Rakan – there are no better supports with Xayah than him
It’s not a surprise to see Xayah’s partner Rakan as the no. 1 choice. The two were designed by Riot to be played together. Not only do they have matching kits but they also get additional effects on some of their spells. What’s great about this duo is that they can play both aggressively and defensively, and on top of that, they get a shared recall.
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Unfortunately for the bot lane duos, Xayah and Rakan won’t be getting matching recall animations anymore going forward. That said, this won’t stop them from being the strongest bot lane pairing.
Braum – the peeling support
While Braum isn’t one of the strongest support as a standalone champion, he is a fantastic choice that supports Xayah by protecting and peeling her throughout the game. Since Xayah needs resources to scale, Braum ensures she can survive enemies’ potential early aggression.
What’s most important is that Braum has multiple tools to soak incoming damage and also stop anyone that tries to kill her with his passive. In teamfights, he can also use his ultimate to knock up any target that is trying to reach Xayah.
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Alistar – the diving support
Similar to Braum, Alistar offers great peeling potential. What differs from the Freljord support, however, is Alistar’s engaging and diving ability. He can play more aggressively during the lane and teamfights, setting up good crowd control and letting Xayah follow up with her spells and attacks.
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Alistar can cleanse crowd control and tank incoming damage thrown at Xayah with his ultimate. In addition, he can use his E to stun a single target, which can be used to stop an enemy from killing Xayah.
Leona – the best engaging duo
Among all the engage champions, Leona is likely the most aggressive one. She offers the best lockdown to fight the enemies, thanks to her Q and ultimate. Her all-in potential is also much more reliable since she can cast her ultimate from afar. Compared to other champions in this class, though, she loses out on peeling potential.
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This doesn’t necessarily make Leona a weaker support compared to others. Unless Xayah finds herself against multiple threats, she can peel herself with her own ultimate, so Leona is still a great pick to play with her when you want to maximize aggressiveness.
Thresh – the most flexible after Rakan
When it comes to being versatile champions, there aren’t many that can beat Thresh. If it wasn’t for the Xayah-Rakan extra effects, Thresh would probably be the best support for her.
Not only can Thresh engage with his hook, but he can also help Xayah disengage in case she gets focused. With both champions’ ultimates and Thresh’s Flay (E), it becomes extremely difficult to burst the ADC down.
If Xayah is badly positioned, Thresh can save her by throwing a lantern, or using it to bring herself with him toward the enemies. Overall, Thresh is a great support to play with Xayah, giving her high chances of solo carrying games!
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