MTG planeswalker Nahiri weakened through Compleation in All Will Be One
MTG planeswalker Nahiri weakened through Compleation in All Will Be One

Wizards of the Coast is Compleating planeswalkers like it’s the newest fashion in Magic: The Gathering, with Nahiri being the next confirmed Gatewatch member to fall in Phyrexia: All Will Be One.

The Gatewatch has officially invaded the plane of New Phyrexia, hoping to stop a Multiverse war that is surely coming. The official spoiler season for the Phyrexia: All Will Be One (ONE) set doesn’t start until Jan. 17 but WotC has already previewed two Compleated MTG planeswalkers. The first to fall to Phyrexian oil was Lukka yesterday, followed by Nahiri today.

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