The Taiwanese organization J Team will play the PCS 2023 season with a completely new roster with a mix of veterans and rookies.
Image Credits | Riot Games
J Team will have a new PCS lineup in 2023
After a disappointing end to 2022, which saw J Team eliminated in the first round of the 2022 PCS Playoffs, the organization decided to part ways with most of its players. ADC Lilv, jungler Kongyue and mid lane Uniboy have all left for their new destinations prior to the end of the year. With the latest departure of both top laners Rock and Driver, J Team only kept their support Elso, who has extended his contract.
He is going to play with six new players, as J Team picked up also two subs for 2023. The new lineup will look like this:
Top: RYue
Jungle: Fung – Lauva
Mid: Minji
ADC: Bruce – Whale
Support: Elso
Who are the new players?
The team will have both players with years of experience in the league and rookies that haven’t played much competitively. RYue has been promoted from the academy team, with jungler Lauva doing a similar thing. He was previously a sub in the last few years but most recently competed in the collegiate circuit with team Far East Eagle.
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He will have to fight for the starting spot with Fung, who is the only player with no prior competitive experience. He was a trainee for the LDL team Young Miracles, so it seems like he will be the substitute for now, hoping to improve and grow over time.
Minji is probably the most known player on the roster, having played for Beyond Gaming at Worlds. He is likely going to be the leader of the map, having performed the best in 2022.
For the ADC position, Bruce and Whale will fight for the starting spot. Whale was previously on Meta Falcon Team, who disbanded after last year. Bruce, on the other hand, has returned to professional League after spending two years playing Wild Rift. His last stint was spent on Machi Esports and participated in the 2020 World Championship. Unless he lost his mechanics, he should be the starting ADC with Whale as the sub.
The PCS 2023 Spring Split will start later than most competitions, with its start date scheduled on Feb. 3rd. The league will likely have two new participants since SEM9 and Meta Falcon Team will no longer be in the PCS. While the latter’s spot was acquired by HELL Pigs, it has not been confirmed who is going to replace SEM9 this year.
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