Riot Games is pushing out more tentative changes to shift the League meta, with major changes to junglers and supports in Patch 13.3.
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League Patch 13.3 will focus on jungle and support changes
Riot announced some adjustments and buffs to engager supports, which have slowly faded away from the meta. With the hope of bringing them back, the balance team is giving better stats, scaling, and lower mana costs across various champions. Not only that but there will be a big tweak to Radiant Virtue to nerf its presence across all roles. Riot’s goal is to make ganking increase the trade off between ganks and farm as ganking junglers are having too much impact currently.
Aside from these changes, Riot will finally release the Ahri ASU and Annie buffs that were promised in the previous patch. Given the most recent social engineering attack done to Riot, the updates were pushed back in the schedule.
Regarding the skins, we should be getting the ones to celebrate Valentine’s Day: Heartache and Heartthrob lineups. While the numbers aren’t currently out yet, here is a list of all champions and items that should receive some tweaks in League Patch 13.3, which should hit live servers on Feb. 8.
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League Patch 13.3 patch changes
ASU hit live servers.
Changes from 12.9, 12.17, and 12.21 returned to live:
Q mana cost: 60-100 >>> 55-95, AP ratio 45% >>> 40%.
E cooldown: 14 seconds >>> 12 seconds, Charm duration; 1.2-2 seconds >>> 1.4-2 seconds.
R cooldown: 140-90 seconds >>> 130-80 seconds.
Passive self heal: 23-142 (based on level) >>> 5% max HP.
Ally heal: 46−284 (based on level) >>> 6% max HP.
Q mana cost: 55-75 >>> 50-70, AP ratio: 50% >>> 70%.
W mana cost: 65-85 >>> 50-70, AP ratio: 70% >>> 90%.
E mana cost: 50-90 >>> 50-70, AP ratio per tick: four % AP >>> seven %, maximum AP ratio: 40% >>> 70%.
Mana regeneration growth: 0.8 >>> 1.
Passive now gains maximum stacks upon game start and respawn.
E now damages targets once per shield (Tibbers’ shield is counted separately). Now damages targets from all damage sources, instead of only basic attacks. Shield AP ratio: 35% >>> 55%. Base damage: 20-60 >>> 25-65. Damage AP ratio: 25% >>> 40%.
Tibbers HP now scales with 75%, resists: 30-90 >>> 30-90 (+5% AP), movement speed: 350 at all ranks >>> 350-400.
R soldiers will now properly collide with enemies even if Azir dies during the ability’s cast time.
Base HP regeneration: 8.5 >>> 10
Base HP: 610 >>> 640.
Passive cooldown interval: levels 1-13 >>> 1-11.
Q cooldown: 10-6 >>> 8-6 seconds.
Jarvan IV
Default skin R has shield visual effect restored and improved hit sound effect
Now will properly play all sound effects.
Nemesis Jax now has lightning visual effects added to R.
God Staff Jax now has sparkle and spike visual effects added to R.
Adjusted cape animation has reduced stiffness.
Jax will no longer return to his idle animation between attacks.
Mecha Kingdoms Jax now has ember explosion visual effects added to R.
Adjusted visual effects for on-hit attacks.
R sound effects will now properly play.
Conqueror Jax will now have spike visual effects added >>> R.
Prestige Conqueror Jax will now have spike visual effects added >>> R.
Lee Sin
Q base damage: 8-110 >>> 4-116 (based on level).
W mana cost: 80 >>> 60, base shield: 40-80 >>> 50-90.
E base damage: 55-175 >>> 55-195, AP ratio: 30% >>> 50%.
Base attack speed: 0.644 >>> 0.658.
Q mana cost decreased from 30 >>> 25, cooldown: 13-8 >>> 11-7.
Q bonus AD ratio: 60 % >>> 100% bonus AD.
E base damage: 105-225 >>> 105-265.
Q base damage: 70-250 >>> 70-290, base damage AP ratio: 70% >>> 90%.
Base heal: 30-115 >>> 40-210 (based on level).
R AP ratio: 70% >>> 80%.
Passive AP per soul: one >>> 1.25, passive armor per soul: one >>> 1.25.
Q base damage: 100-260 >>> 100-280, AP ratio: 50% AP >>> 75%.
W cooldown: 22-16 >>> 21-17.
E cooldown: 13-10 >>> 12-10, AP ratio: 40% >>> 60%.
Archangel’s Staff
Now limited to one Lifeline item.
Radiant Virtue
Cooldown: 60 >>> 90 seconds.
New effect: Upon casting your ultimate you Transcend for eight seconds, increasing your maximum HP by 15 %. While Transcended, you and allies within 1200 units heal for five % of your maximum HP upon Transcending and every four seconds thereafter.
Removed: Upon casting your ultimate you Transcend for 9 seconds, increasing your maximum HP by 10 %. While Transcended, you and allies within 1200 units gain 20 basic ability haste and heal for two % of your maximum HP upon Transcending and every three seconds thereafter. Ally healing is increased by up to 100 % based on their missing HP.
Base shield: 10 at all levels >>> 20-300 (based on level).
Removed: Shield no longer scales with maximum HP.
Early jungle ganking
Skins – Coming soon!
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