Apparently Joe Rogan Is A Scrublord At Fighting Games

Listeners of Joe Rogan’s podcast often run the risk of witnessing the self-proclaimed “f—-ing moron” spew garbage like covid misinformation, platforming the internet’s biggest crybaby, or routinely exercise media illiteracy. On the latest episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, the UFC color commentator admitted to…Read more...

Listeners of Joe Rogan’s podcast often run the risk of witnessing the self-proclaimed “f—-ing moron” spew garbage like covid misinformation, platforming the internet’s biggest crybaby, or routinely exercise media illiteracy. On the latest episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, the UFC color commentator admitted to…Read more...

Listeners of Joe Rogan’s podcast often run the risk of witnessing the self-proclaimed “f—-ing moron” spew garbage like covid misinformation, platforming the internet’s biggest crybaby, or routinely exercise media illiteracy. On the latest episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, the UFC color commentator admitted to…

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