This Atari Retrospective Sets A New Standard For Game Anthologies

Yesterday in a Twitter thread, the gaming historian Frank Cifaldi said this about the work done by his organization, the Video Game History Foundation: “We all know where the ROMs are hiding online. We don’t need games, we need CONTEXT to tell stories.” It helped me realize why I think Digital Eclipse’s new…Read more...

Yesterday in a Twitter thread, the gaming historian Frank Cifaldi said this about the work done by his organization, the Video Game History Foundation: “We all know where the ROMs are hiding online. We don’t need games, we need CONTEXT to tell stories.” It helped me realize why I think Digital Eclipse’s new…Read more...

Yesterday in a Twitter thread, the gaming historian Frank Cifaldi said this about the work done by his organization, the Video Game History Foundation: “We all know where the ROMs are hiding online. We don’t need games, we need CONTEXT to tell stories.” It helped me realize why I think Digital Eclipse’s new…

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