Here's where to find each of White Orchard's places of power and how to unlock that Power Overwhelming achievement while you're at it.
As in past games, The Witcher 3 places of power are special spots Geralt can activate to get a boost for each of his five magic signs. You’ll get a skill point for visiting each place of power the first time and then just the sign buff each time thereafter. They aren’t terribly tough to find, since you can see them on the world map and Geralt’s medallion will vibrate when you’re nearby.
What the map doesn’t tell you is which of the places of power on the map correlate to each of your five witcher signs. We have all six places of power in White Orchard, The Witcher 3’s first main map, laid out for you by sign here. Don’t just go running off to the first site you see if there’s a specific sign you want to boost before a fight.
Be aware there’s also an achievement for activating five places of power at once. That’s another deed to Geralt’s name that’s easy for you to pick up while you’re here. Read on below for a route to get it done quickest.
If you’re returning to The Witcher 3, refresh your memory on all the Witcher 3 romances and find out how to snag that new Henry Cavill Witcher armor in the update.
The Witcher 3 places of power: White Orchard
(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)
Aard – In the woods directly north of the Igni stone in the cemetery, surrounded by a circle of other large rocksAxii – Directly west across the bridge from the Mill fast travel, northeast of the Sawmill, in a wooded areaIgni – White Orchard cemetery yard, north of the Mill fast travel postQuen – South of the broken bridge fast travel post, on top of the hill overlooking the ravineQuen – Just east of the Cackler Bridge fast travel post, tucked between two hillsYrden – East of the Abandoned Village, just south of the road into the trees
How to get the Power Overwhelming achievement
For the achievement hunters in the room, the Power Overwhelming is one you’ll get for having all five sign buffs active at the same time. This isn’t too difficult since each bonus stays active for about 20 minutes, but due to the size of the map, White Orchard is the easiest place to unlock the Power Overwhelming achievement.
I’d recommend starting at the northernmost sign, the Aard stone north of the Mill fast travel point.
From there you can hike back downhill to the cemetery yard to grab Igni, head west across the bridge for Axii, turn nearly due south to Quen, and east along the road to finish with Yrden.
You can take Roach on a scenic tour to hit all those spots or just use the fast travel posts if this is but a pit stop on your grand achievements journey.