The Best Video Game Surprises Of 2022

2022, as with many recent years, was a bit of a flaming trainwreck as we continued to deal with the covid-19 pandemic (and other viruses, too), soaring inflation, idiotic tech bros destroying things, and, unfortunately, so much more. But there was actually some good things that happened this year, so if you want a…Read more...

2022, as with many recent years, was a bit of a flaming trainwreck as we continued to deal with the covid-19 pandemic (and other viruses, too), soaring inflation, idiotic tech bros destroying things, and, unfortunately, so much more. But there was actually some good things that happened this year, so if you want a…Read more...

2022, as with many recent years, was a bit of a flaming trainwreck as we continued to deal with the covid-19 pandemic (and other viruses, too), soaring inflation, idiotic tech bros destroying things, and, unfortunately, so much more. But there was actually some good things that happened this year, so if you want a…

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