Slowly but surely, Catalyst has crept her way into the Apex Legends pro meta

If you’re an Apex Legends fan, you’ve probably been here before: a final zone out in the open, with little to no cover to hide behind. One team holds the god spot while the zone begins to close, forcing the other surviving squads out into the open. You do your best to scramble to an undersized rock or box, but it turns out you’re just easy pickings for the winning squad, who collect the win as you get sent back to the lobby.

It’s a common-enough scenario most Apex players can relate to and one that plays itself out far more often at the highest competitive levels of the game, like the Apex Legends Global Series. And while there have been several legends that have sought to remedy the problem of not having any cover to play safely behind in the past, most of those characters have been stop-gaps at best. They’re legends like Gibraltar and Newcastle, whose cover only lasts a limited amount of time for players to play behind.

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