March of the Lich King decks showcased during theorycrafting livestreams

The March of the Lich King expansion release date is Dec. 6, and players are already up to some theorycrafting shenanigans! Both Standard and Wild players are having theorycrafting livestreams and giveaways over on Twitch.

March of the Lich King decks

Trump versus Meati during the March of the Lich King theorycrafting livestream. Image via Trump on Twitch.

Players such as Jeffrey “Trump” Shih, Tom “Meati” Wayland and Luna “Luna” Eason went live on Twitch with March of the Lich King decks on Dec. 1.

While Trump played his XXL Death Knight deck that had a bunch of big minions in the late game, Meati opted for Infinite Priest. Infinite Priest relied on cycling through the deck quickly to draw out combo pieces. These cards included Triple Radiant, Animate Dead and Vision of Darkness.

March of the Lich King deck codes from Meati’s theorycrafting livestream. Image via Meati on Twitter.

Meanwhile, Luna tried out her triple Frost Rune Death Knight deck. It boasted spells and freezes for damage and board disruptions. The deck also used the Might of Menethil weapon to freeze enemy minions.

Luna’s Death Knight deck with Frost Runes. Image via Luna on Twitch.

Death Knight shenanigans galore

Zeddy showcased his own Wild decks later on in the day. Instead of using Twitch this time, Zeddy had his first-ever YouTube livestream.

“We’ve gotta start with Even Unnholy. We’ve gotta start with Death Knight,” Zeddy said. He also mentioned wanting to stream on YouTube once a week.

Zeddy piloting the Even Unholy Death Knight deck during the March of the Lich King theorycrafting livestream. Image via Zeddy on YouTube.

Zeddy began his games with the new Hearthstone class and tested out Even Unnholy Death Knight. It involved cards that cost an even amount of mana and making use of the Unholy Runes by flooding the board with minions.

Later, Zeddy played Control Death Knight. This deck allowed him to manipulate his life total, control the board and make his opponents run out of cards to play.

Zeddy’s March of the Lich King Death Knight deck. Image via Zeddy on YouTube.

March of the Lich King theorycrafting brings community together

Throughout the day, a lot of other invited content creators played games over on Twitch. The category for the game was unending in terms of streamers.

A lot of participants also held March of the Lich King Mega Bundle giveaways during the theorycrafting event. The winners received codes ahead of the expansion’s launch date.

That’s all for now. For some March of the Lich King deck codes, check out our guide!

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