Hearthstone budget decks for March of the Lich King. Save dust!

Whether “pragmatic” is your middle name or you’ve just returned to the game, we understand the need to conserve your resources. Neither gold, nor dust were harmed in the making of these budget Hearthstone Lich King decks. The codes will also feature a brief explanation of the game plan and mulligan choices. Furthermore, we will highlight some cards that may upgrade these decks once the meta settles.

Hearthstone budget decks in March of the Lich King

Hearthstone deck builders have been hard at work for the Lich King. Saronite Chain Gang style! While some have theorycrafted their own lists, others have been perfecting Blizzard’s recipes. Luckily, some budget decks have emerged, making use of almost no Legendaries outside of the Core Set. Moreover, the craftable Leggos they contain are powerful build-around cards that you likely own in your collection.

11 March of the Lich King decks to play at launch

The latest Hearthstone expansion arrives with a new class and more. Here are 11 March of the Lich King decks that you can play at launch!


We will be crediting the authors of these cheap versions, therefore names might differ from the original archetype brewers. Budget constraints mean that not all classes are featured, but alas! Maybe the expected nerfs before the World Championship will fix that. Meanwhile, let us see what these deck builders have concocted!

Miracle Rogue Hearthstone Budget Deck – building up a staple

We shall predictably start with one of the previous meta tyrants, in both Standard and Wild: Miracle Rogue. Its cheap spell shell enables trademark miracle turns, as Draka and the locations spawn a massive weapon and bodies. Concoctions and the new Legendary spell augment this game plan further. Only the most staple expensive cards have been kept.

Author: Helve187Mulligan: Sinstone Graveyard, Cutlass, Potion Belt, snowballing cards if on Coin and good handUpgrades: Potionmaster Putricide and/or Edwin, Defias Kingpin

Miracle Rogue can showcase explosive turns even with limited staples
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Aggro Druid, the evergreen Hearthstone budget deck

A recurring archetype in the ‘cheap lists for cheap thrills’ category. Aggro druid wins the fastest craft olympics due to only using Common and Rare cards. Go wide quickly, then go tall using buffs. Reached Rank 1 Legend due to countering the Hunter budget deck that follows this one.

Author: Max-outh aka Maxiebon1234, although it’s a slight twist of a tried and tested list. This is Hearthstone heritage!Mulligan: Peasant, Trogg, Herald of Nature, Slitherspear, SidekickUpgrades: Unending Swarm deck recipe (not recommended atm!)

Aggro Druid is the cheapest deck on a budget for March of the Lich King
Image via d0nkey.top

Aggro Shockspitter Hunter, another evergreen with a twist!

Aggro hunter, the deck that usually ruins everyone’s day one experience, this time with a cheap OTK combo. All Legendaries are from the Core Set. Game plan: hit with weapons every turn and get additional Shocksplitter copies with Selective Breeder and eventually Wrangler and Brewmaster. Brann + 2 x Shocksplitter can reliably deal 28ish damage for 7 mana. Moreover, in their absence, Urchin Spines + Ricochet Shot can clear big boards from Miracle Rogue, Ramp Druids or Boon Priest. Might get countered due to being in the spotlight after reaching Rank 1 Legend.

Hard mull for Candleshot (best card in the deck) and also Bloodseeker. Tracking is a maybe-keep as well because it’s somewhat likely to get you a weapon

A bit iffy on Urchin Scales + Ricochet Shot and Warsong Wrangler but they’ve been doing alright

— RobotWizard (@RobotWizardHS) December 7, 2022

Author: RobotwizardHSMulligan: Candleshot, Bloodseeker, Selective BreederUpgrades: Halduron Brightwing to take this into a more Arcane direction, along with staples Beastwalker Tavish and Hydralodon for more late game options

Aggro Hunter by name, OTK combo by game
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Aggro Unholy Death Knight Hearthstone budget deck

Aggro Hunter managed to sneak around due to Blood Death Knight’s day one ubiquity. Yet we are featuring a fast, budget, triple Unholy DK. This build strikes the perfect balance between new class curiosity and spending reluctance. It only features two commons from the Path of Arthas, sparing 2000g for those unsure. The decks’ only other dust expense are the two Hawkstrider Ranchers, a hefty future staple in aggro decks. It even contains Rewards Track commons. So forget Value Town, this is Budget Central!

Author: OtsunaFRMulligan: Hawkstrider Rancher, sticky one dropsUpgrades: Path of Arthas cards and techs; Lord Marrowgar, The Scourge if you feel like you need some late game bombs

Lich King budget deck to quench your Frostmourne hunger for DK
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Boon Priest crushing noobs since October

This is a more expensive list that qualifies as a Hearthstone budget deck due to relying on previous meta staples. Another Rank 1 Legend achiever, Boon Priest only adds two new Rares to its established shell. Free Legendary The Sunwell rounds out the staple Naga / Boon package of epics and Priestess Valishj. This is a proven list that helped Norwis hold #1 Legend on all three servers, before and after March of the Lich King. Overall game plan tips below, from the man himself.

Hello. GG! Btw, this is still relevant? Thanks pic.twitter.com/tGSAzsZwJx

— Cristian Jurubita (@Ma_plictisesti) December 2, 2022

Author: NorwisMulligan: Switcheroo, Thrive, Handmaiden, Radiant, with additional caveats in tweetUpgrades: None!

Boon Priest can spawn huge boards in their blow out turns
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Pure Dude Paladin Hearthstone budget deck

“Dude, where’s my dust?” The reliable Paladin hero power and Silver Hand Recruit cards can go tall and wide thanks to Dun Baldar Bridge and other buff cards. Add staple epic Stonehearth Vindicator to draw Order in the Court then cheat out Lightrays. The Pure shell, meaning no Neutrals, ensures Class Action Lawyers can nullify large threats. Finally, late game value bomb The Countess is optional. However, 2 mana to discover and play a Legendary is nothing to scoff at. The based version has gone as far as Rank 7 Legend but we’re highlighting the base version.


Author: HSReplayMulligan: Sinful Sous Chef, Buffet Biggun, Stonehearth Vindicator, Righteous Protector, Seafloor SaviourUpgrades: Blood Matriarch Liadrin, Cariel Roame ONLY if already owned, Kotori Lightblade that can also transition to a Buff Paladin shell

This Pure Pala relies on Dudes before Countess
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Jambre Evolve Shaman

Shaman certainly hasn’t evolved past staples Bru’kan of the Elements and Glugg. If you own these, here is your go-to Hearthstone budget deck. Gnoll + Coin + Muck Pools on 3 mana is the dream. Schooling and later Prescience make the Gnoll + evolve combo more early and consistent.

Author: JambreMulligan: tweet below

1st: Schooling, muckpools, convincing, far-sight, prescience, weapon, cavern if no prescience

2nd: same as above but also keep gnoll but dont keep far-sight. Fine to keep 2x 4 mana play on coin. Aim to go gnoll coin evolve on 3. Weapon is also weaker on the coin.

— James Brennan (@JambreHS) December 7, 2022

Evolve Shaman builds on top of older staples
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Elwynn Boar Druid

Last but not least, Elwynn Boar Druid qualifies as a Hearthstone budget deck due to being a mishmash of past staples. For example: Boar, Oracle of Elune, Guff and Spammy Arcanist. If you’re building towards the popular Druid lists but not there yet, this is the deck for you. Ramping mana allows you to summon early additional Boars with Oracle of Elune and Unending Swarm. You then trigger their deathrattle with Wild Pyro and Spammy to likely end the game. The new armor package will protect you in the meantime.

Author: donggiringMulligan: Mana ramp package, tutoring cards Upgrades: Anub’Rekhan, Topior, Astalor Bloodsworn, Raid Boss Onyxia to transition to the infamous Ramp Druid builds.

Boar Druid is a mishmash of past staples
Image via d0nkey.top

“Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”. Teach a player to manage their collection so they won’t waste dust in the Frozen Wastes of Northrend. Even if you somehow end up back to square one next expansion, stay tuned to Esports.gg. We’ll be covering Hearthstone news and updates even past March (of the Lich King).

Five Mistakes that prevent you from having a great Hearthstone card collection and how to avoid them!

Five tips that will boost your Hearthstone Collection and be prepared for the next Voyage to the Sunken City expansion


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