Unwrap presents for free stuff during Winterfest.
Fortnite Winterfest 2022 is here and there’s plenty of Christmassy fun to be getting on with. Whether it’s hunting for Sgt. Winter across the island, enjoying the return of snowball launchers and holiday presents, or jumping inside a giant snowball and using it to crush your enemies as a rolling ball of white death—what better way to spread holiday cheer?
Fortnite’s yearly festive event is often pretty generous with free stuff, and this year is no exception. Someone has put up the decorations in the cozy lodge and stoked the fire, and you can visit during Winterfest to claim some daily presents. There’s also more free stuff you can get by simply logging and playing with friends.
Here’s everything you need to know about Fortnite Winterfest 2022, including new additions, when the event runs till, and what’s contained in each of the present boxes at cozy lodge, so you can get exactly what you want for Christmas.
When does Fortnite Winterfest run until?
(Image credit: Epic )
Fortnite Winterfest is active from December 13 until January 3 at 9 am ET (6 am PT, 2 pm GMT). Over the next few weeks you can grab free daily presents, visit the cosy lodge, and mess around in-game with snowball launchers and holiday presents. Even Sgt. Winter is back, driving around the island on his special giant throne car thing. It’s worth noting that these gameplay changes will be included in Battle Royale and Zero Build modes.
Fortnite Winterfest free skins
The Guff Gringle outfit is free to everyone who logs in (Image credit: Epic)
The Arctic Adeline and Sled Ready Guff outfits are free daily presents (Image credit: Epic)
Snowdancer and Cozy Knit Jonesy are the paid Winterfest skins (Image credit: Epic)
All players who log in over the Fortnite Winterfest period can get the Guff Gringle Outfit for free. All you need to do is head to the shop when you open the game to redeem it. Fortnite subscribers can also claim the Chill-la-la-Llama back bling, which is effectively a blue llama that sneezes every time you open a chest or get an elimination, though I’m not sure why you’d want that?
There are two further skins that you can claim for free through your daily present opening over the Winterfest period: Arctic Adeline and Sled Ready Guff. On top of this, there are two new purchasable Winter skins in the form of Snowdancer and Cozy Knit Jonesy, in case you feel like shelling out for a Christmas skin in the store. If you end up playing with five different friends during Winterfest, you can also get a free Curling Iron emote.
Fortnite Winterfest presents: How to open them
You can select one present from the pile per day (Image credit: Epic)
Each box design holds a specific gift (Image credit: Epic)
Aside from the snowball launchers, holiday presents, and new weekly Winterfest quests, the main Fortnite Winterfest 2022 addition is the Cozy Lodge. Unlike a lot of other event locations, you don’t have to jump into a match to get there. All you need to do is open Fortnite and use the snowflake tab near the top of the screen to navigate your way to the lodge.
Once there, you’ll be able to click on a stack of presents and choose one to open to receive one of 14 potential gifts. It’s important to note that the gifts aren’t randomised and actually have set boxes. Here’s a list of what you can get from the stack and what box it’s contained in:
Sledgecracker tool: Wide gold box with red ribbonSeason’s Guffings spray: Small silver box with red ribbonBoom Bauble emoticon: Wide blue box with blue ribbonLil’ Prancer emote: Big purple box with yellow ribbonSlushy Sneak wrap: Big red box with green ribbonRip and Tear music: Red box with disc sticking out of itHar-Har-Har glider: Tall gold box with green ribbonArctic Adeline outfit: Tall green box with red ribbonRibbon Trail contrail: Wide blue box with yellow ribbonWhen the Wind Blows music: Big purple box with white ribbonGringle Gift wrap: Tall red box with green ribbonFa-La-La-Llama back bling: Tall silver box with blue ribbonWintry Whirligig glider: Tall purple box with blue ribbonSled Ready Guff outfit: Small gold box with red ribbon
So the ones you’ll presumably want are the small gold and silver boxes in order to get both free outfits, but there’s a lot of other great stuff on offer. It’s also worth noting that you can click on the fire in the lodge and hang out there to get some free XP.