Doublelift on 100T expectations: "By the end of spring split we should be really good"

Yiliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng and Søren ‘Bjergsen’ Bjerg laid out their expectations for the 2023 season on 100 Thieves in an interview with 100T content creator Hammoudi ‘Yassuo’ Abdalrhman.

In a 24-minute video with League of Legends content creator Yassuo, League of Legends Championship Series veterans Doublelift and Bjergsen talked about why they signed with 100T and their expectations for the 2023 season.

Both players were apprehensive about giving away how they predict the team will perform. Bjergsen even mentions how he said before the 2022 season that his Team Liquid squad would win both LCS splits before falling on their face in the summer and placing third in the regular season and fourth in the LCS 2022 Championship.

“I said on TL, ‘If we don’t win both splits it’s a disappointment,’” Bjergsen said with a laugh. “So now I’m going to say if we don’t win both splits it’s a disappointment guys.”

Doublelift speaks on 100T expectations

Both players laughed about expecting to win back-to-back splits as a new team with Doublelift saying that if the team isn’t here to win then what is the point of competing. The new 100 Thieves bot laner did give one prediction, saying he expects the squad to be in a good place by the end of the first split.

“I think we have a lot of work to do, that’s for sure,” Doublelift said. “We are going to be slow starters but I think by the end of spring split we should be really good.”

100 Thieves has a roster consisting of two of the longest-standing players in the LCS in Doublelift and Bjergsen alongside Can ‘Closer’ Çelik and two young promising talents in Milan ‘Tenacity’ Oleksij and Alan ‘Busio’ Cwalina. The season starts for the new-look team on January 26.

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