If you enjoy playing with your friends or pals in duo queue, but don’t really know which are the best combinations for a given champion, then this guide is for you. In this Lux guide, we will be going through the best bot lane duos for her to climb the ladder during the upcoming League of Legends season.
Let’s check out the best 5 ADCs that work the best in tandem with Lux.
© Riot Games
Best ADCs to Pair with Lux Support
We are listing our picks in a descending order from “worst” to “best”. Keep in mind, we already selected what the five best Lux Duo Partners selections are, so this ranking is only a distinction between our picks.
5. Kai’Sa and Lux – Burst trades
While it may seem a weird combination at first since Kai’Sa is best with an engager support, the Lux-Kai’Sa bot lane is equally good. The support mage offers a longer range and great crowd control with her Q which allows Kai’Sa to use her spells for a quick trade. In addition, both offer long-range poke that can make the laning phase quite unplayable for the enemies. The main weakness of this duo, however, is that it struggles against hard engage and if it falls behind, it becomes hard to recover.
“Danger is real, fear is an illusion.”
4. Varus and Lux – Poke Lane
Most ADCs that must be paired with Lux are going to be marksmen with siege or poke potential. Varus belongs to the second category, taking advantage of his long-range spells. Using the spells simultaneously makes it hard for enemies to dodge and the fact that Varus can opt for the lethality items, the enemies’ itemization gets even trickier since they will be forced to prioritize one of the two. Not to mention that both Varus and Lux have a root in their kit which in most cases will guarantee kills on the board.
3. Ezreal and Lux – Sieging and Poke
Ezreal is yet another champion that relies on the poke to be effective. That said, contrary to Varus, Ezreal needs his two core items (Mythic Item and Manamune) to become an effective carry. Therefore, Lux will be the one “dictating” the lane in terms of how aggressive or passive it must be played.
After the end of the laning phase, the main goal of Lux and Ezreal will be able to poke enemies and chunk them before the start of a teamfight or to gain control of an objective. As Lux, if you’re able to land spells consistently, you will always find an opportunity to get a takedown.
“Are we supposed to be… dating… or something? We’ve never even talked.”
2. Jhin and Lux – Long-Range Sniping
Jhin is a particular champion that, even though he doesn’t have much poke, still manages to exert lane dominance with its AoE damage. The Virtuoso can quickly follow up on any spell that Lux uses to add damage in trade. The shining point of the combo, however, is the two long-range ultimates that can be used from the backline to shred through any target. When playing around dragon or Baron Nashor, this combo becomes even more lethal and unless the enemies have a champion face tanking all the damage, you will have the upper hand.
1. Caitlyn and Lux – All around best combo
That said, the number one champion to pair with Lux is no other than Caitlyn. If you’re wondering why it’s a tier above all the other bot lane combinations, it’s all about the extended crowd control the two champions can pile up and connect. Once an enemy is rooted with either Lux’s Q or Caitlyn’s traps, he is probably going to be dead. The CC chain will not allow him to get away and both champions’ damage will be more than enough to take him down.
What’s even better about this bot lane duo, however, is the sieging potential it offers. Even if the enemies don’t get pinned down by the combos, they won’t able to match the pushing power and will never get lane priority. Not having it means that the enemies are going to be a sitting suck for most of the early game, as they will lose all control over the lane.
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