Yen or Triss? Or everyone? Or no one?
The Witcher 3 romances are pretty extensive truth be told, with eleven potential loves in the base game alone. I’m not saying Geralt gets around, but monsters ain’t the only thing he’s slaying. Out of those eleven romances, Yennefer of Vengerburg and Triss Merigold can be chosen as potential partners for the end of the game—everyone else is just for a bit of fun.
If you’ve just started out on the path again and need a reminder of where to get that fancy Witcher gear, these Feline armor and Ursine armor guides might help you find the best light and heavy armor respectively. Either way, here are all of The Witcher 3 romances, what you need to do for each, and most importantly, how to choose either Yen or Triss without screwing it up. It’s also worth noting that whoever becomes your partner will also show up at the vineyard at the end of Blood and Wine, so choose wisely.
Yennefer of Vengerburg
(Image credit: CD Projekt)
Yen is one of The Witcher 3’s two main romances—and the true canon option—so if you want Geralt to end up with Yennefer there are two important steps you need to take:
In ‘The King Is Dead – Long Live the King; quest on Skellige, you’ll go to a party with Yennefer with the ulterior motive of stealing an important item. You’ll have to fight an earth elemental and once defeated, the room will start filling with poison gas. Yennefer will ask you to think of the first thing that comes to mind, and you need to say the second option: “Damn, I wanna kiss you, Yen”. Once teleported back to her room, choose the “Wouldn’t mind watching…” option when she goes to mend her dress to begin a romance scene.
Progress the main Skellige story and Yennefer will ask Geralt to help her on the island of Larvik, triggering ‘The Last Wish’ quest. Pursue the quest until the end, free the Djinn and you’ll find yourself sitting on the side of a ship with Yennefer. When she tells you that nothing’s changed, you need to choose the first option: “I still love you, too”. This will lock Yennefer as your romance choice.
Lauren A, Guides Editor: As an aside: CDPR confirmed that Yen is the canon option, and she isn’t a backstabbing cow who stole her pal’s man because he lost his memory, so there.
There is a further option to sleep with Yennefer during the ‘No Place Like Home’ quest in Kaer Morhen. When given the option, simply follow Yen to her room in order to trigger the scene. It’s nowhere near as fun as getting drunk, dressing up as sorceresses and prank-calling folk, though.
Triss Merigold
(Image credit: CDProjekt)
The second of The Witcher 3’s two main romances, you first meet Triss in Novigrad. Here’s what you need to do to choose her as a partner:
After the ‘Count Reuven’s Treasure’ quest, Triss will ask Geralt to come to see her, triggering the ‘A Matter of Life and Death’ quest where you head to a masquerade ball with Triss. After she runs off into the maze and falls off the fountain into Geralt’s arms, choose the first option: kiss Triss.When you finish A Matter of Life and Death, you’ll receive a secondary quest called ‘Now or Never’ that you can start by going to see Triss. At the end of the quest when Triss is boarding the ship and saying goodbye, choose the second option: “Stay with me”. This will lock Triss in as Geralt’s main love interest.
Why not both?
Most other games make romancing characters impossible if you’ve already got one locked in, but The Witcher 3 does things a little differently. If you try to romance both Yennefer and Triss you end up with neither. They’ll invite you to an inn and convince you that you can be with both of them, but will then leave you tied to the bed. This ends any potential romance with either, but it is almost worth it for the hilarious cutscene.
Other romances
Most other games make romancing characters impossible if you’ve already got one locked in, but The Witcher 3 does things a little differently. If you try to romance both Yennefer and Triss you end up with neither. They’ll invite you to an inn and convince you that you can be with both of them, but will then leave you tied to the bed. This ends any potential romance with either, but it is almost worth it for the hilarious cutscene.
Keira Metz
(Image credit: CDProjekt)
Keira is likely the first romance you’ll have in The Witcher 3 if you choose to pursue her. Here’s what you need to do to make it happen:
When you finish the “Wandering in the Dark” main story quest in Velen, Kiera will ask you to go and see her. Doing so results in two secondary quests: first ‘A Towerful of Mice’, then ‘Favor for a Friend’. During the second, Kiera will invite you for a moonlit horseback ride and dinner, to which you have to choose the first option: “With Pleasure”. Simply follow the quest to seal the deal.
Jutta An Dimun
(Image credit: CDProjekt)
Jutta is located on the Faroe island in Skellige, to the east of Trottheim in a small arena. Here’s what you need to do to romance her:
When you first meet Jutta, you’ll receive the ‘Iron Maiden’ quest and she’ll set you the task of finding Hoskuld’s sword. If you bring it back to her she’ll fight you. If you win without using signs or bombs, she’ll invite you back to her house after dusk to spend the night with her, and all you need to say is option one: “Gladly”. Head to her home in Harviken by following the quest marker and wait till after dusk to start the scene.
It’s worth noting that if you lose Jutta you won’t have the opportunity for a rematch, so the romance will end there.
Madame Sasha
(Image credit: CDProjekt)
Sasha is a romanceable character who appears in the ‘High Stakes’ secondary quest at the Passiflora in Novigrad. Here’s what you need to do:
The High Stakes quest requires you to pay 1,000 Crowns to enter, and you’ll need a strong Gwent deck for the tournament. You either need to agree to help Madame Sasha or beat her in the tournament. At the end of the quest she’ll invite you to have dinner at The Kingfisher and you need to choose option one: “Invitation accepted”. Then when she asks you to go upstairs, choose option one: “Good idea”.
(Image credit: CDProjekt)
Shani is a romanceable character who is only available in the Hearts of Stone expansion. Here’s what you need to do:
Towards the end of the ‘Dead Man’s Party’ quest, when Gaunter sends Vlodimir Von Everec away, choose option two: “I’d like to stay a little longer”. After that you’ll have the option to bring Shani a gift of flowers, mead, or brandy. It doesn’t matter which you bring, but it will affect the romance scene you get slightly. When you’re at the lake, Shani will ask if you have some time to waste with her, to which you reply option one: “Kiss sure didn’t sate me”. This will trigger the romance scene.
(Image credit: CD Projekt)
Syanna is a character from the Blood and Wine expansion who you can romance. Here are the steps:
In the main quest for Blood and Wine, you are given the option to rescue Syanna from her fairytale prison gone wrong. After the final boss of the quest, Syanna will tell you that she needs a man, to which you should choose option one: [Let her have her way with you]. This will start what is probably The Witcher 3’s trippiest romance scene.
There are three brothels in The Witcher 3: Crippled Kates and the Passiflora in Novigrad, and The Belles of Beauclair in, you guessed it, Beauclair. There are three potential partners at each and Geralt can spend the night with any of them for a fee, though Beauclair is only accessible through the Blood and Wine expansion.