Wordle answer today (Tuesday 15 November)

Looking for the Wordle answer for Tuesday 15 November 2022? It’s hard to say exactly when Wordle entered our individual lives, but I’m guessing most of us are approaching our one-year anniversary right about now. How should we celebrate? A weekend away seems excessive when you only get one quick puzzle per day, but maybe we could make a cake or something. Incredibly, a quick Google search didn’t immeditely show dozens of pictures of green, yellow, and grey Battenbergs, so there’s a challenge for all you fancy bakers out there!

While you figure out the tasty logistics, you might find yourself in need of a few clues to help you with today’s Wordle answer. We’ve laid out some delectable morsels in the hints below, or if you’re in the market to skip to the main course, scroll down below the video for the answer in full.

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