What To Know Before Getting D&D’s New Starter Set

Getting into tabletop roleplaying isn’t always easy. With thick rulebooks that mirror math textbooks and the need to find at least one other player (but ideally three others), simply getting to the table, ready to roleplay is enough of a challenge. Enter the concept of the Starter Set: An all-in-one collection of…Read more...

Getting into tabletop roleplaying isn’t always easy. With thick rulebooks that mirror math textbooks and the need to find at least one other player (but ideally three others), simply getting to the table, ready to roleplay is enough of a challenge. Enter the concept of the Starter Set: An all-in-one collection of…Read more...

Getting into tabletop roleplaying isn’t always easy. With thick rulebooks that mirror math textbooks and the need to find at least one other player (but ideally three others), simply getting to the table, ready to roleplay is enough of a challenge. Enter the concept of the Starter Set: An all-in-one collection of…

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