With the launch of Warzone 2, Call of Duty is ditching the traditional battle pass.
Quick, picture a battle pass in your head. You’re probably conjuring the image of a clean, straight timeline with goodies evenly distributed at specific XP increments. Well if you plan on picking up Call of Duty: Warzone 2’s battle pass when it launches tomorrow, you’re in for a surprise.
Activision is trying something new, weird, and a little confusing with its Modern Warfare 2/Warzone 2 battle pass. It’s not so much a battle pass as it is a battle map. Players will unlock cosmetics and blueprints by completing “sectors” on the map with multiple unlocks within them. Here’s what it looks like:
(Image credit: Activision Blizzard)
How does the Warzone 2 battle pass work?
What this really means is that you choose which order you unlock Warzone 2’s 100 battle pass tiers. Each sector contains five rewards (be they weapon blueprints, operators, etc). Everyone starts at sector A1 and branches out from there. Completing a sector will grant you a token to unlock any adjacent sector so, for example, you can pursue the left side of the map before the right side if you like those rewards more.
Every individual item is unlocked by spending a Battle Token Tier Skip. It’s a confusing name for a token, because “tier skips” in other games are typically a thing you exclusively buy with real money, but in Warzone 2 you earn them by playing and they’re the default way to unlock things. 🤷♂️ Of course, you’ll also have the option to purchase more Battle Tokens to actually skip forward in the battle pass.
How much does the Warzone 2 battle pass cost?
The Warzone 2 battle pass has a free track and a paid track. The free track includes 20 free items, and the paid track (expected to cost around $9.99 or 1,000 COD Points) has over 100 items if completed in full. Among those 100 unlocks are bundles of COD Points totaling 1,400, so you can theoretically earn back what you paid for the battle pass and then some.
What’s in the Warzone 2 battle pass?
Activision hasn’t released a full list of what’s in the battle pass yet, but it has shown off some of the highlights in a recent blog post. There’s no set order to unlock them in, so Activision has numbered the sectors by how early you could access them. It takes around the same time to unlock sector A4 as sector A5, but both can be accessed a lot earlier than sector A16.
Here are the big-ticket items we know about:
(Image credit: Activision Blizzard)
BAS-P SMG (Sector A6, Free)Victus XMR Sniper Rifle (Sector A7, Free)
Operator skins
Zeus Operator (Unlocked immediately with premium pass)“The Unseen” KorTac Mil-Sim Operator Skin (Sector A9)“Ursidae” Zero Operator Skin (Sector A11)“Blackout” Roze Operator Skin (Sector A18)“Olympus King” Zeus Operator Skin (Unlocked at 100% battle pass completion)
(Image credit: Activision Blizzard)
(Image credit: Activision Blizzard)
(Image credit: Activision Blizzard)