Standard torches won't help you see through the Mistlands. You'll need a new resource called Wisp, plus an item from Yagluth.
As you begin exploring the new Valheim Mistlands biome, one of the first things you’ll spot through the thick, dense mists are glowing blue lights. When you reach one you’ll discover it’s a blue torch or blue lamp, a small glowing orb built by some of the Mistlands’ inhabitants to provide visibility through the mist. You can’t just take these blue lights, and if you destroy the orbs will disappear. But you can craft your own.
The blue lights in the Mistlands are called Wisp torches, and you’ll want to craft some as soon as possible because they burn away the mist in their immediate radius. The good news is, if you’ve already defeated Valheim’s fifth boss, Yagluth, you probably already have a component stored in a chest at your base that will help you craft Wisp torches. Remember how Yagluth dropped useless, placeholder “Yagliuth things” when you beat him? Those things are no longer useless, they’re part of the process of crafting Wisp torches.
How to craft blue Wisp torches in Valheim’s Mistlands
If you’re already in the Mistlands, start chopping down any small trees you see. Many of the Mistland’s trees are actually offshoots of the Yggdrasil itself, labeled as “Yggdrasil shoots” when you stand close to them. To chop down a Yggdrasil shoot, you’ll need a Blackmetal Axe. When you’ve collected your first piece of Yggdrasil wood, you’ll unlock the recipe for Wisp torches, located in your build menu’s furniture tab (they’re not handheld torches, but standing torches).
The crafting recipe for Wisp torches is:
1 Yggdrasil wood1 Wisp
How to get Wisp
Here’s a refreshing twist on resource gathering: you don’t have to go out into the world to find Wisp. Instead, it comes to you. You just need to lure it with a new buildable item.
To lure Wisp, you’ll need to build an object called a Wisp fountain, which can be placed at your base. And to unlock the recipe for the Wisp fountain, you’ll need one torn spirit.
How to get torn spirits
Here’s where the formerly useless “Yagluth things” come into play. The Mistlands update renames them “torn spirits” and makes them useful. Go search through your chests if you’ve already collected Yagluth’s drops. Otherwise, you’ll have to defeat this boss to collect torn spirits. (You can find some tips in our Valheim boss guide.) Once you’ve picked up a torn spirit, you’ll get the recipe for a Wisp fountain, found in your build menu under crafting.
Here’s the Wisp Fountain crafting recipe:
10 stone1 torn spiritStonecutter
The stonecutter requirement means you’ll need to build the Wisp fountain within range of the stonecutter at your base (or place a new stonecutter). Once you’ve built and placed your Wisp fountain, you’ll need to wait until nighttime to see it start working.
(Image credit: Iron Gate Studio)
When it’s dark enough, Wisp (they look like small, glowing blue orbs) will fly to the fountain and begin slowly circling it. You can pluck Wisp right out of the air while it’s circling your fountain, or wait a while and it’ll drop down to the ground and just sit there. As long as it’s dark enough, new Wisp will continue to visit your fountain.
With Wisp and Yggdrasil wood in your inventory, enter build mode with your hammer and click to place your Wisp torches in the Mistlands, then watch the mist around them melt away.