Unhappy Apex Legends players say new winter event feels more like Groundhog Day

The Apex Legends player base hasn’t been the happiest campers in the world over the past several months. Despite receiving a new battle royale map in season 15, many of the game’s players feel that the game is still lacking in content. Many of these players frequently point to the fact that it’s been over a year since a new gun was introduced to the game and a run of characters many perceive as “weaker” than some of the game’s top-tier legends as evidence of this.

Another part of the dry content cycle has been the frequent use of returning or “recycled” limited-time modes. And that trend isn’t slowing down anytime soon with the newest event in Apex, Wintertide. It brings back the Winter Express LTM, a unique mode in Apex where players have to get on a moving holiday train and fight for control of it against constantly-spawning enemy players who are trying to take it from them.

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