Tundra’s players can’t get their story straight around one of Dota’s biggest TI11 memes

Fata was kicked from Tundra Esports in January 2022. When the news first surfaced, Tundra players decided to keep silent while Fata expressed his disappointment. Though replacing Fata with Saksa worked in Tundra’s favor as they won TI11, the team’s coach, Aui_2000, stirred up the kick debate in his latest blog, which was followed with a series of explanations from Sneyking and Neta “33” Shapira.

While fans were surprised to see Tundra bring up the drama out of nowhere, each statement featured gaps in knowledge which would get filled in the following one. They all had one common thing, however, as they all ended up confirming Fata’s side of the story even if they tried to put a different spin to the whole situation.

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