The 50v50 shooter's 'Red Star Rising' update
Tactical FPS Squad has an eyebrow raising update coming on December 7. Called ‘Red Star Rising’, it will add a tenth playable faction to the game in the shape of the People’s Liberation Army of China. A press release says this continues developer Offworld Industries’ “effort to tap into real-world military history” as Squad evolves over time.
The People’s Liberation Army, once known as the Red Army, consists of China’s land, sea, and air forces, and is the largest military force in the world. In Squad terms, the PLA adds seven new vehicles, 15 weapons and deployables, and the ability to call in a tactical bombing run from the JH-&A Flying Leopard, which is apparently the PLA’s “signature” aircraft.
Squad has now sold over three million copies, and it’s probably a fair assumption that a good chunk of those were in China. PC Gamer asked Offworld Industries why it has chosen to add the PLA.
“We’ve been developing this faction since early 2020. Covid-19, switching to remote work, and other pressing updates slowed down our intended release on the update, but we’re excited to see it come to Squad players this December!
“Even without national representation in the game, China is Squad’s second largest player base and one of our fastest growing demographics. We’re making this faction for players around the world, but also so nearly half a million Squad fans can see themselves in-game.
“Adding the People’s Liberation Army faction also helps to increase the number of available global factions for more balanced combat options, with an entirely new set of weapons and vehicles for our players to create more robust combat strategies around.”
PC Gamer’s review thought Squad an excellent tactical FPS, even if it is “a game that would only hold your hand to crush it“. This update also adds Simplified Chinese to the game’s supported languages, and arrives December 7.