Sex, war, and magic: Arcane season 2 will have it all

Arcane co-creators Christian Linke and Alex Yee shared some interesting insights on the second season of the League of Legends animated series. To celebrate the first anniversary of the series, Riot Games established a series of activities around Arcane, starting with today’s Reddit AMA with the two co-creators.

Arcane fans rushed to inquire about the second season of the series, but Linke and Yee only shared a few bits of information about the future of Piltover and Zaun. The first season left fans with many questions about the characters and in particular those in Piltover’s council room who were hit by Jinx’s rocket. While their future is still uncertain there is a solid possibility that fans will see Mel Medarda once again, according to Yee. While Jinx’s attack aimed at canceling the whole council, some fan theories explain how Mel Medarda could have survived thanks to her shiny gold armor that reminds League players of the Hourglass of Zhonya or Leona’s armor. 

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