PSG Talon parts ways with its entire League roster
PSG Talon parts ways with its entire League roster

PSG Talon has parted ways with its entire League of Legends team, according to an announcement made on Nov. 20. Top laner Su “Hanabi” Chia-Hsiang, jungler Jeong “Burry” Seung-hwan, mid laner Kim “Gori” Tae-woo, ADC Wong “Unified” Chun Kit and support Ling “Kaiwing” Kai Wing have all left the team, meaning PSG will field a completely new roster in 2023.

Today we part ways with our 2022 roster.

Every player, from veterans Kaiwing, Unified and Hanabi to newcomers Gori and Burry, contributed greatly to the PSG Talon story!

Thank you and hope we see you again on the rift!

*Pending Riot approval

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