Overwatch 2’s contextual voice lines are what make it special, narrative designer says

The original Overwatch revolutionized how players experienced narrative in hero shooters. Rather than deliver its story through the common techniques of in-game cutscenes and dialogue boxes, most of the lore in Blizzard Entertainment’s landmark FPS could be found in its pre-match voice lines. These voice lines were usually part of short conversations between characters and served to flesh out Overwatch’s world of the future as well as the characters’ relationships.

While it might seem as though limiting most of the game’s lore to two-sentence in-game interactions would cause the Overwatch community to lose interest quickly, what actually happened was quite the opposite. Fans instantly became enamored with the game’s characters and world thanks to well-written, interesting, sometimes mysterious lines that alluded to relationships, connections, and other events in the game’s ongoing story. These lines were one of the main reasons Overwatch’s world felt like a living, breathing, interconnected entity.

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