No, You Don’t Need To Buy Modern Warfare II To Play Warzone 2.0

Warzone 2.0 has been out for a few days and it’s a damn good time once you get past the most challenging part of the game: Navigating a UI that seems like it was coded in the fires of digital hell. Aside from being clunky, obtuse, glitchy, and not even remotely helpful for finding what you’re looking for, Warzone 2…Read more...

Warzone 2.0 has been out for a few days and it’s a damn good time once you get past the most challenging part of the game: Navigating a UI that seems like it was coded in the fires of digital hell. Aside from being clunky, obtuse, glitchy, and not even remotely helpful for finding what you’re looking for, Warzone 2…Read more...

Warzone 2.0 has been out for a few days and it’s a damn good time once you get past the most challenging part of the game: Navigating a UI that seems like it was coded in the fires of digital hell. Aside from being clunky, obtuse, glitchy, and not even remotely helpful for finding what you’re looking for, Warzone 2

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