K’Sante’s win rate is abysmal at League of Legends release despite early buffs

K’Sante, the Pride of Nazumah, is the latest League of Legends champion to hit the live servers on Nov. 3. Trying to avoid the tradition of releasing unbalanced champions like Yuumi and Zeri, Riot Games preemptively buffed K’Sante on the PBE. But this wasn’t enough for the champion to become a relevant pick, even at his release.

K’Sante is a new, highly mobile top laner who does both physical and true damage. The moment the champion went live on PBE, Riot immediately buffed him by tweaking the numbers of Dauntless Instinct, Ntofo Strikes, and All Out. Thinking these buffs would be enough for K’Sante to become relevant in the current meta, Riot shipped the champion without making any further adjustments.

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