‘I’m sick of the comments’: Aui_2000 claims Tundra’s controversial Dota roster change had a different story

The International 2022 marked the end of another competitive season in Dota 2 as Tundra Esports lifted the Aegis of Champions. With TI11 out of the way, almost all teams are reflecting back on their season, even the ultimate victors. Tundra coach Aui_2000 recently went over Tundra’s 2022 season in a blog, including the infamous Fata kick.

When Fata was first removed from the Tundra roster, veteran players labeled the situation as one of the worst kicks in Dota history. Many were sure of the fact that Tundra would crumble with their new captain Sneyking, and rumors surrounding the roster change started running rampant. Sources claimed that Fata was kicked from the team after vetoing other roster moves.

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