HisWattson worries Apex Legends will become the next Titanfall if a big problem isn’t fixed

Apex Legends doesn’t have the greatest reputation when it comes to game security. The game is semi-regularly inundated with cheaters finding ways to exploit the game. Wall hacks. Aimbots. The infamous akimbo weapons exploit. Speed hacking. You name the hack, and Apex has seen it.

Cheating has become a significant issue once again in season 15. While many of the game’s cheaters seemed to have been cleaned up over the course of the last couple seasons, season 15 has brought them back in full force. And one of the biggest critics of the game’s security, FURIA pro HisWattson, is very worried about the future of the game if its ranked mode continues to suffer from the influx of cheaters that seem to constantly find their way back in.

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