Fashion yourself a weapon fit for the Emperor.
The Darktide crafting system is one of the more anticipated features for the upcoming Warhammer 40K game, letting players tinker with their weapons and curios, but also do a bit of a buildcrafting for their character. Update 1.0.8 adds the Shrine of the Omnissiah, which effectively functions like the forge from Vermintide 2. When all the features are in place, you’ll be able to upgrade and reroll your equipment.
If you’ve just started playing the pre-order beta, you might be looking for some tips, which Darktide class to choose, how cosmetics work, or what those little weapon symbols on your equipment actually mean. Either way, here’s how Warhammer 40K: Darktide crafting works, as well as where to find the materials you’ll need, such as Plasteel and Diamantine.
How crafting in Darktide works
You can find the Shrine of the Omnissiah to the right of the spawn point (Image credit: Fatshark)
Consecrating weapons lets you upgrade their rarity (Image credit: Fatshark)
You can consecrate any weapon or curio in your inventory (Image credit: Fatshark)
Fatshark has added the first elements of the Darktide crafting system, letting you upgrade your weapons and curios with the techpriest at the Shrine of the Omnissiah. This unlocks at trust level four for all Rejects and you can get there by heading right from the Mourningstar spawn point and running down the corridor.
At the moment, the only thing you can do is ‘Consecrate’, a process that costs Plasteel and Diamantine, and lets you upgrade the rarity and power of a weapon/curio, adding requisite perks and blessings. The higher the rarity you want to attain, the more it will cost. The max rarity is currently orange. Here’s the price for each upgrade jump for both weapons and curios:
White – Green: 150 PlasteelGreen – Blue: 50 Diamantine, 200 PlasteelBlue – Purple: 150 Diamantine, 400 PlasteelPurple – Orange: 350 Diamantine, 900 Plasteel
And here’s what each rarity level gives you in terms of stat boosts and blessings for weapons, which are like traits from Vermintide:
White: NothingGreen: One stat boostBlue: One stat boost, one blessingPurple: Two stat boosts, one blessingOrange: Two stat boosts, two blessings
Curios don’t have blessings right now—they just have that overall number in stat boosts, i.e orange rarity curios have four. You can generally acquire everything up to rarity blue at the Requisitorium, and get rarity purple from Sire Melk’s Requisitorium, or as a rare reward for completing missions. With that in mind, it probably isn’t worth it to upgrade anything below blue rarity. Once you upgrade, your weapon will acquire a new random stat and random blessing, depending on what level you are boosting it to.
Where to find Plasteel and Diamantine
You can find crafting materials in containers (Image credit: Fatshark)
Or just lying around in each mission (Image credit: Fatshark)
To consecrate your weapons, you first need Diamantine and Plasteel. Both can be found in missions, either in containers or just lying around marked with a crafting symbol. The good news is that any crafting materials that are picked up count for everyone in the squad, so you don’t need to try and squirrel them away for yourself. It seems like the higher the difficulty level, the more crafting materials you are likely to find, and as far as I can tell, you can’t find any Diamantine on Sedition difficulty missions.
It might seem like a lot of crafting materials to farm in order to consecrate, but to put it in perspective, I upgraded my chainsword from blue to orange in a single evening by playing Malice difficulty missions and keeping an eye out for Diamantine and Plasteel stashes. If you’re actively searching for scriptures or grimoires, you’re likely to come across a few crafting materials as well.