Hearthstone dev clarifies which March of the Lich King cards can appear as a pre-order bonus

The game’s new card disenchant and reroll rolls had an odd impact on a couple of special cards, confusing portions of the player base. Celestalon has come to the rescue with clarification.

Before the recently launched 25.0 patch of Hearthstone, players had no way to get Dust out of duplicate copies if the card in question was not disenchantable (because it either was a Rewards Track bonus or an achievement reward), but going forward, the lower quality copy of the card can be re-rolled into a different card of the same rarity from the same set. For instance, if you open a golden copy of Grand Magister Rommath and later unlock the Diamond copy from the Tavern Pass, you can now re-roll it into a different golden Legendary from March of the Lich King.

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