Halo Infinite Just Leveled Up, But Still Has A Ways To Go

Yesterday’s Halo Infinite Winter Update proves one thing: This game still needs more updates, and specifically updates like this, and on a regular basis. With two new maps, a unique game mode, expansions to the campaign sandbox, the forge beta, and yet more besides, the Winter Update proves that Halo Infinite is more…Read more...

Yesterday’s Halo Infinite Winter Update proves one thing: This game still needs more updates, and specifically updates like this, and on a regular basis. With two new maps, a unique game mode, expansions to the campaign sandbox, the forge beta, and yet more besides, the Winter Update proves that Halo Infinite is more…Read more...

Yesterday’s Halo Infinite Winter Update proves one thing: This game still needs more updates, and specifically updates like this, and on a regular basis. With two new maps, a unique game mode, expansions to the campaign sandbox, the forge beta, and yet more besides, the Winter Update proves that Halo Infinite is more…

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