G2 completes ALGS squad by adding one of the best controller players in Apex

G2 finally has its trio set for year three of the Apex Legends Global Series with a move that continues the org’s reputation of fielding some of the most-feared controller fraggers in Apex. The team signed Nathan “ChaoticMuch” Gajkiewicz to the squad today to join longtime members Dezignful and Resultuh.

Chaotic, a native of the U.K., will compete with G2 in the North American Pro League beginning on Nov. 6. He had previously announced his intention to move to NA with a new team after the ALGS Championship in July but soon after began filling in for G2 following the departure of Gent from their competitive roster. On stream following the team’s announcement, Chaotic said he had “pretty much” moved to North America already, but that he would be staying in different places while in the region to compete in Pro League.

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