Find out when the next Steam Sale happens

Knowing when the next Steam sale occurs is a surefire way to prepare your budget and your game time. There is nothing more painful than being caught unaware of the fabled and advantageous sales that come from the Valve platform. So, do your due diligence and take note of when the next Steam sale happens so that you don’t find yourself ill-prepared to take advantage of luxurious gamer-based savings!

The new Steam sale schedule was posted by Valve recently with some interesting changes, so let’s talk about the various.

When the Autumn Steam Sale takes place

The weather changed and so are the deals, with the Autumn Sale taking place November 22 to November 29. This lines up with Black Friday and Thanksgiving, meaning you’ll get the chance to either jump-start your holiday shopping. Or buy something for yourself. Or five somethings. Look: We’re not here to judge, go nuts and buy all the five dollar games from six years ago that your heart desires.

When does the Winter Sale take place

The Winter Steam Sale runs from December 22 to January 5, serving multiple holiday-based purposes. For one, it happens just a few days before Christmas, meaning it’s the perfect opportunity to get in some last-minute, cheap gift purchases. However, it also falls during that Christmas to New Year’s Day lull when most people are looking to kill some time. That sounds like the perfect chance to splurge on some games for yourself, doesn’t it? Either way, the Winter Sale is a chilly tradition you won’t want to miss.

When does the Spring Sale take

If you’re curious when the Spring Steam Sale happens, then look no further my green-thumbed friends: March 16 to March 23, 2023 is the date you’ll want to remember. While it feels odd to think about spring as the snow begins to fall, it never hurts to spring forward into preparedness. Get it? Spring, like “spring the season,’ but also “spring back,’ like the Daylight Savings time thing that everyone hates? No? Sigh. Puns aren’t for everyone.

Watch for details about each sale as the date gets closer to each one, and expect the date for the next Summer Steam Sale to appear sometime in 2023.

That’s all for now. Stay tuned on for more Valve content, news and updates!

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