FIFA Announces Entire Range Of Nightmarish Blockchain World Cup Games

Earlier this year, EA Sports and FIFA ended a partnership that had lasted for 30 years, mostly because the irredeemably-corrupt sports governing body had started making all kinds of wild demands for the rights to their name. EA walked away, and FIFA tried to pretend everything was going to be just fine. It is clearly…Read more...

Earlier this year, EA Sports and FIFA ended a partnership that had lasted for 30 years, mostly because the irredeemably-corrupt sports governing body had started making all kinds of wild demands for the rights to their name. EA walked away, and FIFA tried to pretend everything was going to be just fine. It is clearly…Read more...

Earlier this year, EA Sports and FIFA ended a partnership that had lasted for 30 years, mostly because the irredeemably-corrupt sports governing body had started making all kinds of wild demands for the rights to their name. EA walked away, and FIFA tried to pretend everything was going to be just fine. It is clearly…

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