It seems that, by way of releasing a financial report, Activision has potentially peaked an upcoming Call of Duty title for 2023. At first glance, this directly conflicts with an already established plan to skip over 2023, with the next full Call of Duty title being released in 2024. However, in a Q3 financial report, Activision stated, quite clearly, that the ‘next full premium release’ for the Call of Duty franchise will take place in 2023.
For a while now, fans and critics alike have worked on the assumption that, in 2023, an expansion will drop for Modern Warfare 2 – a sizeable one, of course. It was believed that this expansion would be, in essence, a whole game in itself, blowing the Modern Warfare 2 story open even further than it already was when the game dropped on the 28th of October. Now, it seems as though an entirely new Call of Duty experience will drop in 2023, leaving fans noticeably confused.
Will A New Call of Duty Game Arrive in 2023?
Will a new Call of Duty follow Modern Warfare 2 in 2023? (Image Credit: Activision)
In Activision’s third-quarter financial report, it was written that:
‘Activision is looking forward to building on its current momentum in 2023, with plans for next year including the most robust Call of Duty live operations to date, the next full premium release in the blockbuster annual series, and even more engaging free-to-play experiences across platforms.’
We know that Warzone 2.0 is launching next week, along with DMZ, and we also know that Call of Duty Warzone: Mobile will be dropping next year. That essentially works to cover off those ‘engaging free-to-play experiences’, but what’s the deal with the ‘full premium release’?
Well, there are claims that the wording in this report was simply ambiguous, and the ‘full premium release’ simply refers to the Modern Warfare 2 expansion that we’ve just mentioned. There are suggestions that it’s going to be marketed as a full-bore release with a top-tier price tag and it’ll boast all-new content, but it’ll still be within the confines of Modern Warfare 2.
Activision Has Had A Stunning Year So Far
While we’re discussing the financial report, we’d like to point out that Activision has, by all accounts, had a fantastic year. We’re hot off the news that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 pulled in $1 billion in revenue in just over a week, making it the most valuable Call of Duty title to date. For the third quarter of 2022, Activision racked up more than $1.7 billion in net revenues, down year-on-year but still remarkably high, especially in the midst of a global economical downturn.
It was revealed that, in a three-year period, the Call of Duty franchise acquired more than half a billion players, breaking records left, right, and centre. There was talk about the relatively successful launch of Overwatch 2, and of the high revenues pulled in by the likes of Call of Duty: Mobile and Call of Duty Warzone. There’s plenty left in the Activision tank as we move towards the end of the year, and as we go into 2023, it seems that there’s no stopping the Call of Duty train.